Fix your sleep schedule ASAP. You don't know what you're missing.

1 year ago

If you are struggling to put on muscle you need to fix your sleep patterns right now! Sleep is the most important factor in muscle growth. When we hit the 4th stage of sleep, deep sleep... that's when all the magic happens.

You see we've got 4 stages of sleep.

2. REM (Rapid eye movement)
3. Light Sleep
4. Deep Sleep

The REM and light sleeps are good for restoring our brains and body function, but deep sleep is where the MUSCLE REPAIR happens. If you aren't getting three of these per night, it doesn't matter how hard you train or how much protein you eat. You need to sleep to grow.

Get on a regular sleeping pattern. Put the video games down, turn off the TV and stop chasing all the cute girls to every bar across town. You leave so much progress on the table when you do so! Schedule down time, and when the time is up, go to bed. If you are going out late to meet women, find women that don't drink. They are out there, you might just be looking in the wrong places!

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