The Intentional Dimming of Our Skies

1 year ago

This feature length documentary provides commentary from a wide variety of experts who are exposing U.S. geoengineering programs that have been ongoing for decades now. It slices and dices the insidious claims made by government shills that the chem trails we're all seeing in our skies are nothing more than harmless condensation trails created by aircraft, which is nonsense.
It effectively explains the manipulation of Earth's atmosphere with nano-sized aluminum, barium, strontium, and other particles, all of which pose a great danger, not only to Earth's environment, but to every human being living on the broken and aching planet that the elite have been destroying right before our eyes while blaming the damage that they do on us.
The Dimming exposes the disinformation tactics used by the bought-and-paid-for mainstream propaganda media to hide these ongoing climate engineering programs from the public, and it sets forth the extensive peer-reviewed scientific evidence proving that the terrible wildfires and other weird phenomena we are seeing of late are a direct result of these massive Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) programs, some of which are even being managed by the CIA, believe it or not.
Sounds crazy, but it's true. Search for "John Brennan Stratospheric Aerosol Injection" and watch the video of his presentation before the Council on Foreign Relations. Wow! Like with the COVID PSYOP, they don't even hide their crimes against humanity anymore. They know the public doesn't read anymore, and that few are even willing to turn off their Netflix propaganda long enough to even watch a genuinely informative video like this one.
How far we've fallen.
In particular, The Dimming focuses on biological impacts of geoengineeering--the area of study that is the most important and therefore roundly ignored by the geoengineers. The most extensive discussions here revolve around the human health impacts of aluminum exposure. If you’re new to this topic, aluminum has been found to be the most common constituent of today’s geoengineering sprays. Aluminum affects your cognition--your IQ and your ability to think clearly. Aluminum in our bodies also exposes us to harmful electromagnetic energy, such as that which is produced by 5G cell towers, adding another layer of concern to this important story.
The centerpiece of the film is documentation of the collection and analysis of particulate samples taken in flight. The folks at were able to collect air samples at altitude, and then had those samples professionally analyzed. Samples have been collected at ground level for many years, but these aerial samples eliminate the possibility of contamination. As one might expect, the dispersed particulate matter collected at altitude was found to consist of the same elements prevalent in samples collected at ground level.
In summation, The Dimming is a must see. At its core, it's a call to action against something that threatens all life on this planet. The last segment is particularly stirring. We have an awesome planet, folks. It’s too bad that vigorously defending our Big Blue Marble from intentional destruction by our criminal, illegitimate government is not something that many people seem willing to do. So, we must be the ones that keep pressing this important issue, and stop this diabolical madness before it's too late.

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