Meatballs in Alfredo Cheese Sauce Recipe

1 year ago

This Meatball is light and full of flavor, delicious with the Alfredo Cheese Sauce. Great served over Mashed Potatoes or Pasta and a side of steamed Vegetables.

Meatball Alfredo Cheese Sauce

1 lb. Hot Italian Sausage
1/3 cup Rice
3 tbsp Parmesan Cheese, grated
1 sm White Onion
3 tbsp Parsley + extra for Topping
1 Egg
3 tbsp Italian Style Bread Crumbs
1/2 tsp Salt
1/4 tsp Pepper
Squirt of Ketchup

Cheese Sauce
15 oz Alfredo Sauce
15 oz Whole Milk
4 oz Cream Cheese
4 oz Ricotta Cheese

Cook Rice and cool.
Chop Onion and Parsley.
Remove casing from Sausages.

Preheat Oven 400° F
Line Baking Sheet with Parchment Paper.

Combine Sausage, Rice, Cheese, Onion, Parsley, Egg, Bread Crumbs, Salt, Pepper & Ketchup mix well.
Shape 24 equal sized Meatballs.
(approx.1 good heaping teaspoon each)
Place equally separated from each other on Baking Sheet.
Bake 20 - 22 minutes.
Combine Alfredo Sauce, Milk, Ricotta & Cream Cheese, whisk well.
Simmer to thicken Sauce, stirring frequently.
Add cooked Meatballs to Alfredo Cheese Sauce & sprinkle with Parsley.

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