How To Get Healed & What To Do When You Or A Loved One Needs Healing. (Podcast #11)

1 year ago

When you need a healing life becomes very serious. It's time to learn how to get your healing. It's also time to understand how God moves so you can bring healing to yourself and your loved ones.

There's almost 70 verses of scripture in this teaching. This biblically nutritious teaching will give you the confidence to believe God for healing, and walk by faith until you are healed. We need to understand some of the forces that are in affect in relation to sickness and death. After we understand God’s plan for our earthly lives we can pray more effectively.

Follow all this advice at your own risk. The Gospel is illegal in many countries. It could be very hazardous to your health to do what is right. Jesus did what was right and his murder was sanctioned by leaders. Don't be surprised if people disagree with you. You only get one life to live so why why not find truth and follow it as best you can. If you are needing professional advice in the medical field, legal, or any other field that is important… Always follow your professional teams advice. These are informational videos to help people. The information here might not perfectly line up with your custom situations.

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