1 year ago

State of the World:
Do you understand the current economics the world has had evil people create around them? For the past 80 years, especially the past 20 years the Lord has been showing me how these thug leaders/politicians/ dictators placed themselves into politics. To run for office (no matter what side of the aisle got them voted in), and then used lobbyists/special hedge funds/wall street/student loans, food warfare, credit cards bubbles- getting people in debt when they knew they were low income to help enslave them/ by giving loans people couldn’t afford to enslave/housing bubbles (with high interest rates aka: CCD – bad loans given to people who couldn’t afford to purchase the house because banks knew buyers would default bringing them billions.
THIS IS WHY GOD BEGAN to tell HIS SHEEP to GET OUT OF DEBT 20 YEARS AGO because He saw the corruption these THUGS were trying to create and He was trying to protect us!
This corruption all took place under Bush Sr., then Clinton, Bush Jr., then Obama where our “state of the nation” really began to decline because America began to see how treasonous these traitors really were. It was because under these thugs that our nation was taken hostage with the beginning of the “globalist movement/system” being activated to see how much Satanist could get away with. So the simulation began and REALLY became prevalent in 2016 when 45 ran for office.
What Americans began to see were corrupt leaders begin to pay themselves through bribes, under the table deals, while allowing big business/ (which included banking, wall street) begin to milk the American population for billions in trade off debt THAT THEY CREATED, while politicians in D.C. made laws to lighten the punishment for their thuggery because they too were becoming millionaires at the expense of tax payer DEBT-created by FALSE OPPORTUNITY DEBT ENSLAVEMENT to lower income people. You want to know why politicians create the illusionary GIFT FOR THE LOWER INCOME population? To get the vote! While attaining payoffs for pushing legislation that lowered crime consequences for those involved while the Americans began to suffer.

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