"Multi Cultural" Theater performance for children and the young

1 year ago

"Multi Cultural" Theater performance for children and the
As a part of the project "Action for Citizenship through Theatre" there
were workshops from 14.08 to 19.08.2003 in the summer resort Ponikva. All 60
children who were in the workshops were engaged in the project. There were
workshops on different themes, for example: rights of the child, communication of
the children with the parents, conflict and other. The children's parents visited the
workshops and there were educative workshops for them as well.
We were glad that within very short time with mutual understanding and
cooperation we succeeded in completing our ideas. We also organized evening
parties, apart from the educative workshops, such as: selection of the best singer
of traditional songs, best mask, ball under masks. We also organized football
tournament and performance of the play "Multi Kulti" that was presented in: Stip,
Debar, Kavadarci, Kumanovo, Demir Kapija, Struga, Kicevo and Gevgelija and
which goal is to move to the tendency of giving contribution for strengthening the
multiethnic civil society, building of trust and cooperation among participants that
was created during the work of the theatrical workshop. This play will be
performed in 8 more towns in Macedonia. The project is being realized by the
First Children's Embassy in the World-Megjashi and Centro Regionale per la
Cooperacione (CRIC) with the financial support of the EU, managed by the
European Agency for Reconstruction.

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