Case: Covidpass

1 year ago

Mika Vauhkala, 42, a Helsinki-based entrepreneur, has sued the State Treasury and Fazer Group in his capacity as a private individual in the spring of 2022 for violation of fundamental rights in Helsinki District Court. This is a civil action law suite.

On 10th of December 2021 at 09.00 in the morning, Fazer cafe demanded a coupon pass from its customers as a condition for being allowed to have breakfast at the Kluuvikatu branch central Helsinki.

As far as we know at the moment, this is a unique lawsuit related to Covid issues - not only in Finland but also in Europe. A citizen is suing a top state organization and a billion-euro group for leisure time discrimination.

Mr. Vauhkala will present numerous pieces of evidence and oral testimony in court to show that even before the corona pass laws were enacted, the international scientific community had that Covid vaccines did not prevent the spread of covid-19 disease. Thus, the requirement of a coronary passport was a violation of fundamental and human rights.

Under Article 106 of the Constitution, a court must give priority to the application of a constitutional law that upholds fundamental rights over ordinary law, such as the Contagious Diseases Act, if it is apparent that the ordinary law of Parliament is unconstitutional.

The preparatory session will be held on Tuesday 6 June 2023 at 10.00 a.m.

Helsinki District Court
Room 415, (4th floor)
Porkkalankatu 13
00180 Helsinki


Website will be released soon.
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