15 Times A Prey Fights Back And Defeats A Predator

1 year ago

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15 Times A Prey Fights Back And Defeats A Predator
We often feel bad when a cute antelope is being chased by a big cat, or when a zebra is trying to escape an apex predator’s grip, but sometimes the roles are reversed and what looks like a “walk in the park” for the predator suddenly turns into a nightmare. If you’re interested in seeing some underdogs teach some nasty animals a lesson or two, then keep watching as we countdown 15 times a prey fights back and defeats a predator.

Oryx’s Or Gemsbok Horn Instills Fear

The Oryx is a large antelope that lives in herds on the deserts and dry plains of Africa. The Gemsbok is also a large antelope in the genus oryx but lives in regions of Southern Africa. Both animals are remarkably similar, and both have deadly horns that can kill the most dangerous predators. In our first clip, these two young cheetahs have discovered an injured Gemsbok that may have escaped from a lion. What a day this Gemsbok is having. First a lion and now two cheetahs. The cheetahs approach the oryx, but this is one big animal and perhaps even their mother would have a hard time dealing with such a massive beast. Let’s not forget cheetahs are not very big and they usually hunt smaller antelopes. The cheetahs consider the task at hand and after a few minutes of reflection, they decide the risk is too big and walk away. Instead, they decide to chase the herd and they end up catching a calf. But the young cheetahs did not expect the calf’s mother to jump into the action and attack them, but that’s exactly what she does. The cheetahs are stunned and run away. The calf seems okay, but its mother checks upon it to make sure. She smells the calf under its belly and immediately runs after the cheetahs.

Our next clip shows a pair of lions checking out this oryx. The oryx doesn’t seem at all impressed with the lions because it's just standing there. There are now four lions and the oryx isn’t even trying to run. Is there something I’m missing here? It’s like the lions are setting up the barbecue but none of them want to get the meat out of the fridge. Finally, in this last clip, two female lions are preparing an attack on an oryx. Oryx are spooked by the slightest sound, so the lions must be very quiet. One lion makes a mistake and breaks cover. They still go for it, with one lion pushing the oryx towards the other lion. The oryx stands its ground and confronts the lions. The lions give up and the oryx lives to see another day.

Buffalo Flicks Lion Into The Air

The Cape Buffalo is a fearsome beast, capable of tossing a lion into the air like a stuffed toy. A hungry lion got even more than it bargained for after its attack on a Cape buffalo took a dramatic turn in an impressive viral video recently captured in South Africa's Kruger National Park. One lion pounced on the buffalo and appeared to be seconds away from a fresh kill after two young lions had been stalking the buffalo prior to the attack. The buffalo appeared to be exhausted, and the game appeared to be over. Then two of the original herd returned to investigate when one buffalo made a daring rescue, charging at the lion and flipping the predator high into the air with its strong head horns. Surprisingly, all the animals managed to survive the fight relatively unscathed, with the exception of the two felines' egos. The Cape Buffalo, despite its short stature, can weigh up to a ton. Buffalo herds have been known to work together to protect other members, killing predators, in Africa's parks and reserves.

The sheer power of these creatures astounds me, particularly watching the bull throw the Lion around like an inflatable doll. In the next video, another buffalo effortlessly tosses a lion into the air. It’s a small cub this time and I’m sure when this cub grows up, it will think twice before attacking another buffalo. Our next sequence has a buffalo chase a lion and throws it in the air. I’m pretty sure the lion must have felt some pain since the buffalo’s horn stabbed it in the belly. Indeed, the lion walks away hurt and limping. Finally, a courageous lion approaches an entire herd of buffalo and the buffalo are probably asking themselves if this lion is retarded. But the lion chases the buffalo and they all run away. The buffalo return and chase the lion while another lion looks on. One buffalo chases the lion away from the herd, isolating itself, and is now surrounded by four lions. The lions try to corner it, but the buffalo is quick to react. The herd rejoins the buffalo, and they all face the lions. It’s not happening for the lions today!

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