1 year ago

Hitler killed 60 million Europeans with his New Vorld Order (third reich neuordnung) attempt. Real "Jews" don't exist because there is no creator of heaven and earth God.
Hitler had Jewish ancestry according to and so did Eva Braun according to

The Jews ran the slavetrade in the U S proven by the list of names of ship chandlers used to transport the black people stolen from Africa, rabbi's bragging about "their" slaves and the advertisements of the slave markets where they where sold all run by Jews.
"Brother Malcolm" didn't tell you that, right?

We should never kill anyone who is not a murderer and punish the genocidal WEF politicians guilty of treason and mass murder with their genocidal thus unlawful measures and health ministers guilty of the jab genocide first so they can not annihilate us with a premeditated thus illegal cyber attack to make us "own nothing" only to exterminate us with forced injections like the Nazi's did to 500,000 "undesirables" (what they now call useless eaters (Harari) and surplus population (Prince Philip)

"Remember my children, that all the Earth must belong to us Jews, and that the Gentiles, being mere excrements of animals, must possess nothing." ~ Mayer Amschel Rothschild on his deathbed, 1812
From the book: THE SECRET WORLDGOVERNMENT OR "THE HIDDEN HAND" The Unrevealed in History. 1926 , page 94.

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