Watch: 6 school children die in two separate horrific car accidents

1 year ago

Cape Town - Five children being transported to school in Mitchells Plain were killed in a tragic crash along AZ Berman Drive on Tuesday morning. Screams of horror could be heard at the scene as motorists and passers-by witnessed the children being flung from a bakkie just before 8am. Pictures and videos of the horrific crash immediately started circulating on social media, including WhatsApp. The videos and images were graphic in nature, showing the lifeless bodies of the children in school uniform pinned under cars, and in the roadway close to Promenade Mall. In one of the videos captured at the scene, a white bakkie can be seen pinned to a traffic light, an injured person is being attended to while onlookers stand by. The camera pans to the body of a child under a white sheet underneath a Golden Arrow bus. Further down the road, debris believed to be from the bakkie is strewn across the motorway. Another two children’s lifeless bodies lie metres from the crash scene, on the cold, wet tarmac. In some of the videos, women can be heard screaming and crying, calling for the arrest of a driver they claim is intoxicated. ER24 spokesperson Russel Meiring said the children were believed to be between 13 and 16 years old. “ER24 paramedics arrived on the scene at 08h07, finding the Western Cape Metro and City of Cape Town Fire already in attendance. “On closer inspection, medics found a bakkie upright in the middle of the road. Several children believed to be aged between 13 and 16, were seen scattered some distance away from the bakkie. “Medics assessed the children and found that five had already succumbed to their numerous injuries while a sixth was in critical condition with numerous injuries. “Paramedics treated the critical patient and provided him with numerous advanced life support interventions before he was transported to a nearby hospital for urgent care,” Meiring said.

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