Bullied to Death? James Walter's body found by Police...

1 year ago

Australian man James Walters found dead in Sydney northern beaches -⚡️a special report by @Tasmanian_diablo

❗️James was a young Australian man who had great sympathy for Russia and was opposed to Australia supporting the Kiev terrorist regime. He was a little eccentric, but always positive and sympathetic. Recently, he began to look anxious and constantly complained that he was being hounded for supporting Russia and threatened with reprisal.

🚔 The NSW Police are still silent about the causes of death: was it murder, or was it an induced suicide or something else due to the stress amid terrible persecution.

▪️James complained that he was bullied on facebook. @Tasmanian_diablo had already written about English-speaking groups on Fb that collect data on pro-Russian citizens in Australia, and then threaten them with reprisals.

🔹After the death of James, in one of the groups, someone named Michael Crook admitted that this was the work of local Ukrainians.

🔹Interestingly, many of them are NAFO supporters - @tasmanian_diablo has published reports about this extremist group.

🔹One of the administrators of those groups is a certain Peter Negruk (Peter Negruk ) - an Australian from Adelaide with Polish-Ukrainian roots. According to his LinkedIn profile, he is affiliated with the Australian Army.

🔹In addition, James complained that he was threatened by Anton Boganovich - a local Ukrainian activist from Balmain. Boganovich organizes protests in Sydney calling for the killing of Russians. Bogdanovich, judging by his social media networks, works closely with the Ukrainian Ambassador Miroshnichenko.

🔹Australian authorities are actively involved in censorship on Facebook & twitter so the lack of response to anti-Russian extremism in these social networks, even in relation to non-Russian Australian citizens, suggests that this is part of a psychological special operation against any pro-Russian sentiment in the country.

🙌May James Rest in peace.


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