Bucky O'Hare - 02 Preview

1 year ago

This being a Saturday morning cartoon with a whole week between broadcasts, and its first three episodes being a multipart pilot for the entire show, the writers and producers deemed this little teaser for the next episode to be a necessity for the audience. It's a bit spoileriffic, so if you feel like skipping straight to the next episode, go right ahead. Just remember that those of us who happened to be the right age and in the right age at the right time to see this cartoon's original broadcast didn't have this same luxury as you.

Points of interest:
0:29 This would be more of a spoiler if that "secret toad agent" (Al Negator) weren't revealed to be one of the bad guys from the start about three minutes into the episode.
0:34 This is the first time in the series Bruiser is mentioned by name (though not his first appearance, as he's shown in the opening).
1:09 Spoiler: the S.S. Righteous Indignation is headed straight into the mother ship's mouth.
1:19 Major spoiler: this ending to the preview is also how the episode itself ends.

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