Heady "Memorial Day" Service for Humanity - the MYTHs @ WARs!

1 year ago

Of course, it all started when the dark side chose service to self, or the ego fight to the death - which tragically still goes on today. Between the reptilians and the anunaki, for sure, all the way to the present day "hellites" as I call them, of course actually WORSHIP - "war ship" or revere warfare, and conquest or forced dominion of all types, as an obvious holographic insert or believe structure which convinced people of the rights of institutions to violence and genocide, starting offically with the coucil of Nicea in 325, leading all the way to the mainstream beliefs of today - including giving everyone a day off school to celebrate war, as if it's worth of celbration.
As far as I'm concerned, the dark side and war is only valuble for the lazy
,tragically including myself at times) who refuse to change and need a pitchfork to the ass i n order to change. Andrew Bartzis says 3war is forced evolution, it forces you to change quicker. How have you become better after being forced to change during the international lockdowns?

"THIS AIN't NO PARTY! ThiS AiN't NO DiSCO! THIS Ain't no fOOLIN' AROUND! No Huggin' squeezin' & lovey dovey - I AiN't GOT TIME FOR TAT NOW!" - David Byrne, "Life During Wartime"
We're in a war. And in a war, nobody can win.
Cause whether it's weather weapons, or you punch or shoot or take it or receive it, to me it's all just lies and sin.
Because every three-year-old with kind parents knows it,
we're all on this planet together, and PEACEi is the LAW we MUST live IN!

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