He called you a "stupid fucking fuck" for being unvaccinated. He kills himself with the vaccine.

1 year ago

This is why social media must be banned on the internet forever, at least the big tech platforms like facebook and twitter. They are influencing people to literally die for the government's depopulation agenda. One notable example is a brain-dead facebook user by the name Brian Jeffrey Bowers who stupidly mocked the unvaccinated by calling them a "stupid fucking fuck" for refusing to get vaccinated. He then dies nearly 2 years later after taking his first shot. I find it funny how these big tech platforms always promote dumbass idiots who mock and even make death threats against the unvaccinated for refusing to get the clotshot without being punished even once despite breaking the terms of service guidelines by inciting violence against a certain group of people but if I were to mock the vaccinated by uploading this video on youtube, there's no doubt in my mind that that pro-censorship scumbag platform would delete my channel without warning. It's not that the government cares about the vaccinated, obviously not. They're killing them off, there's nothing caring about the government on their end there. It's that they created this double standard on purpose because they're scared. They're scared about more and more people waking up to the fact the vaccines are killing people and if most people found out about that, the government officials would all be rounded up and killed and righteously so. That's why it's in their best interest to censor all of the vaccine injuries and deaths on the big tech platforms because in order to survive the wrath of the people and get away with their great reset depopulation plan, they need to silence the real opposition from speaking out against their poison. If they are censoring you, it means by default that they're scared of you speaking the truth to the people. I would know from personal experience by having videos wrongfully taken down on youtube before for talking about this. They see me as a real threat. They must control the flow of information on the internet to save themselves by reducing the public backlash of vaccine injuries and deaths with their censorship. They should be dead already. It's only because of their censorship that they're still alive, for that is their only effective defense against the truth.

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