Morbid humour in the fight for freedom - a Veteran's Perspective.

1 year ago

We do NOT have to accept depravity or brazen attacks on innocence and the overturning of common sense. But we gain nothing at reinforcing people's misconceptions by providing them with reason to hate us. ... The featured speaker, V4F Ops Sgt-Maj Jeff Evely, might well hold a contrary purpose to my introduction => but that doesn't matter! There is enough common ground between our purposes that I find his experience and testimony immeasurably valuable. We both share the conviction that finding enough common ground to discuss in a civilized manner with people who oppose our values is the best way to build the Canada of friendly freedom that we used to know. What other choice do we have? ... Like it or not, we are all in this together, and always will be.

You can see Jeff Evely's original exposé in its entirety here:

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