Article Video - The Monetization of Debt Scheme -- Part 2 - Monday, May 29, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

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Article Video - The Monetization of Debt Scheme -- Part 2 - Monday, May 29, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our Claim March 6 2005, January 19 2023 in seq:

We covered the process by which we literally give value to currency by trading actual goods and services for it.

We also covered the reasons that the Federal Reserve Note is failing as a currency and exposed the British commandeering of our National Credit as the base cause of this failure.

Next, we uncovered the role of the secretive and unlawful conversion of Americans into purported British Territorial U.S. Citizens via undisclosed registration of babies as the methodology supporting these Unlawful Claims.

Finally, we pointed out that our American Government is the only one with a fixed exchange rate enabling trade transactions to restore the value of the Federal Reserve Note.

Everyone on Earth who has holdings in this Reserve Currency should now be highly motivated to assist us in correcting this scandalous injustice and restoring the actual American Government to full function.

Now, having laid the groundwork, we move on to the actual subject of monetization of debt and the related subject of securitization of living flesh, also known as slavery.

It was a British Subject, Christopher Edward Harle Story FRSA, who first brought it forcefully to public attention and to the attention of the British Parliament that securitization is illegal in general, and that when applied to living flesh results in slavery.

Calling it by a different name in no way alters the criminality involved, whether it is engaged in on a private basis, or on a public basis, slavery and the process of enslavement by which a man's body and labor is sold for a pittance of upkeep, is just the same.

The securitization of flesh takes place via a process of personage.

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