Resistance Chicks Join Kingdom Roundtable #13 To Save The World The Church Must Step Into ORDER!!

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Resistance Chicks join the Kingdom Roundtable- If we look at the Church today we see a sad state of arguing and defeat. There are still principalities and powers of darkness in the high places that should have been removed 1000+ years ago.
Why are they still there??

DISORDER among the ranks. Out of order units of believers everywhere lacking vision and direction. Lacking leaders, understanding of leaders, and honor of leaders. Along side a lack of leaders honoring, training, equipping, and protecting their flocks.

God has a system. If you don't, or won't, step into alignment with His order structure will be out of order and never accomplish what God has for you.

And at the same time it needs to be mentioned that most leaders are actually unaware of this system as well and have been beating the flock rather than protecting them so they can grow.

Every business has a structure, a chain of command, every military has a structure a chain of command. The enemy has an order or a chain of command.

But the Church hasn't yet learned how to step into order and move together. There are various reasons for this and tonight we will be discussing this.

If we want to see victories for the Kingdom of God then we better learn how to move in the rank and file of the Kingdom of God.

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