04.22.2023 - DOJ, Unconstitutional Acts & You

1 year ago

Michael Peroutka, Esq - Constitutional Expert and Former Candidate for MD Attorney General (2022), Retired Attorney, Trainer on principles of the U.S. & MD Constitutions

Walter Charlton, Esq - Practicing Constitutional Federal Attorney admitted to the Supreme Court

Natalie Abbas - Paralegal & Expert Researcher

Discussion covers The Department of Justice being housed within the Executive Branch, which inherently renders it political and the ATF, which is located in the DOJ, is by design, UNConstitutional.

Also discussed is the new unconstitutional, restrictive, MD legislation signed into law by the Governor, that willfully violates the 2nd Amendment, the Right to Bear Arms, without infringement and further create soft targets that are dangerous for society.

Illegal, fraudulent elections have consequences.

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