SWN 28May23 - “Is Mark Tinsley as unethical as Alex Murdaugh?”

1 year ago

Recently I stumbled upon an Appellate Court record of a case - William Hunter Youmans v. Mark B & Diane E Tinsley - which details the exploits of what I describe as a sleazy attorney - essentially stealing valuable property from a family in Allendale … that had owned the valuable property for decades.

It’s a real gut-wrenching awful story about this sleazeball attorney - a guy named Mark Tinsley screwing a beloved son - William Hunter Youmans - out of property his father Calvin Causey Youmans wanted Hunter and his brothers to enjoy for generations.

Earlier Tinsley had represented Robert Martin Youmans (William Hunter’s brother) in an Allendale case: 21st Mortgage v Robert Youmans 2011cp0300127 - which seemed to also involve unethical conduct by this guy Mark Tinsley.

Reading through court records, again and again Tinsley’s conduct seems reprehensible and unethical … if not illegal.

Which got me to thinking about how a law firm in one of the poorest communities in South Carolina - which seems to thrive on exploiting poor people, in nickel and dime cases - can afford years of expensive litigation.

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