Edmund Kudzayi: Disentangling the Ivermectin Controversy and Introducing Nanosilver

1 year ago

Date: May 15, 2023.

Our journey, modestly beginning in Zimbabwe, soon stirs up formidable global pharmaceutical interests. This narrative exposes the profound influence these entities wield over diverse regulators, including Zimbabwe's Medical Council and South Africa's Covid response, under the influence of Professor Salim Abdool Karim. His questionable acts of service appear to have been well rewarded with an appointment to the World Health Organisation's Science Council.

Within this context, we evaluate the distinctive role played by the contentious expatriate Pakistani-British epidemiologist, Professor Rashida Ferrand. Central to an alleged pharmaceutical conspiracy, Ferrand reported a startlingly high case fatality rate (CFR) of 35%, while concurrently opposing the adoption of non-traditional treatment methodologies.

Simultaneously, we investigate the groundbreaking Combination Therapy against COVID-19, a therapeutic model pioneered by Dr Jackie Stone. Her colleagues at Zimbabwe's College of Primary Care Physicians (CPCPZ) heralded it as a "game changer". Remarkably, they reported a CFR of less than 1.5%, illustrating the potential effectiveness of this approach, despite facing considerable resistance.

We plunge into the contentious debate surrounding Ivermectin and examine the transformative power of Ivermectin in tandem with Nanosilver. This fusion surfaces as a vital breakthrough in the fight against COVID-19. Understand why the CPCPZ chose to deviate from national treatment guidelines and lobbied for the government to remove the regulatory barriers obstructing this unconventional 'Combination Therapy'.

We invite contemplation on essential questions concerning the influence of pharmaceutical giants on the acceptance of Ivermectin. Moreover, we foster a fact-oriented discussion on prospective COVID-19 treatments.

Our thorough analysis illuminates the intersection of science and politics, differentiating between truths and fallacies in the Ivermectin discourse. It highlights the pivotal role Zimbabwe has played in shaping this global health narrative.

Original link:

Support Edmund Kudzayi:

Letter by CPCPZ physicians:

Zimbabwe SID protocol:

Dr. Jackie Stone's research paper:
J.C. Stone, P. Ndarukwa, D.E. Scheim, BM Dancis, J. Dancis, M.G.Gill, C. Aldous, "Changes in SpO2 on Room Air for 34 Severe COVID-19 Patients after Ivermectin-Based Combination Treatment: 62% Normalization within 24 Hours", Biologics. 2022 2(3) (2022), 196-210

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