Our Favorite, Time Tested, Joint Support and Joint Rebuilding Formula. Whole food, safe, effective!

1 year ago

SWF Joint Support: Our Favorite, Time Tested, Joint Support and Joint Rebuilding Formula. Whole food, safe, effective!

Original Formulas vitamins and supplements are always derived from whole foods, chelated (organic) minerals, pure plant enzymes—not synthetic chemicals. And, we are the only formulator with the cellular delivery system which ensures actual digestion and assimilation of foods and nutrients.

We have spent 20 years, gathering, trial and erroring, testing, using, seeing... What supplements are actually beneficial to our health, and which are damaging. We have gone around to our favorite formulas, from many different companies, to put all of our "impact" nutritional formulas in one place for us, and for you!



I have learned many things from seeing thousands of patients and what they are taking, doing and the results of such things. So we have our favorite, most powerful/effective, safe, whole food based, impact/results driven formulas now that everyone can benefit from. Learn from our 20 years of experiences! 99% of the supplements/nutrition in the world I would not feed to my dog, once you understand the industry tricks, deception, sourcing, processing, storage, parts of the plant that are therapeutic, etc etc etc…

What we consume, food and/or supplements, can either be the best medicine in the world, or a detrimental poison to our bodies! After seeing thousands of patients, working on my own health/optimization, keeping our 4 children 100% off all meds so far (not even a Tylenol), and feeding our obsession of addressing the cause to our lacking homeostasis, we may know a few things:-) - Dr. Tim

There is a time and place for drugs and surgery! However, we can all agree that they do not address the cause of the issue almost ever, nor are our bodies deficient in aspirin for example!

Stop Treating Symptoms! Not many doctors truly understand how to address the causes!


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