Avengers: Infinity War - Funniest Moments

1 year ago

A compilation of Avengers: Infinity War's funniest moments

Famous Quotes:
"Like the beetle"
"We all gonna die"
"You never seen a spaceship before?"
"Earth is close today"
"Get lost Squidward"
"Dude, you embarrassing me in front of wizard"
"Hulk & I are having a thing"
"Hey man, what's up Mr. Stark"
"He's from space & wants to steal a necklace from a wizard"
"Wong, your invited to my wedding"
"I am Groot"
"This is not a dude, he's a man"
" It's like a pirate having a baby with an angel"
"Are you making your voice deeper?"
"The rabbit is correct"
"He is trying to copy me"
" I'll bid you farewell & good luck morons"
"I'm gonna blow that nutsack of a chin"
"There's ant-man & spiderman"
"Do you ever see this old movie, Aliens"
"We're in a flying donut"
"We're using our made-up names"
"He's never fought me twice"
"I don't want another single pop culture reference"
"Don't" put your eggs in me"
"Why is Gamora"
"What master do you serve?"
"I like your plan. Except, it sucks"
"Kick name, take ass"
"Like in Footloose?"
"Olympic & Starbucks"
"We don't do that here"
Hulk buster fell down
"That's what killing you means"
"Screw you big green asshole"
"You guys are so screwed now!"
"Magic with a kick"
"How much for the gun?"
"New haircut?"
"Notice you copied my beard"
"I am steve rogers"

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