Are You Free?

1 year ago

Does your nation know the blessing of freedom? Are you free? Are You One Nation Under God With Liberty And Justice For All? Freedom! Human Beings… what a fragile freedom we have because people, with no power higher than self want to steal it. But we STILL have it, our liberty...we were born to be free with the liberty of choice. God choose His Servant Warriors to fight for our God given freedom, because of the sacrifices of those who defended it and still fight for us to be free, we still have freedoms.

People, Patriots, Whose Passion It Is To Preserve Freedom, We Are Grateful And Honor Them. And Those Who Died Doing So, We Memorialize Them, Never Taking For Granted These Amazing People And What They Sacrificed For Us. In these times, even having the strongest leaders or military in the world, even this is under attack. There are evil people and leaders trying to usurp the rulership of God and what has ensued is a corrupted system of justice and cultural chaos because they can’t handle supremacy that was meant only for God.

God speaks Shalom=disrupting chaos and He speaks Truth=Freedom for all. We have peace and we are free people because of those God has enlisted and called, soldiers of God, who serviced our liberty with the giving of their lives to defend it. The memories of these Godly warriors are the memorial of our freedom, their courageous and strong actions always remembered, and treasured as our freedom, they purchased with their lives, is used in a respectful, honorable, righteous, and civl ways. We have been given more than we can repay and this precious freedom should never be taken for granted.

I think about Jesus Christ and all He did for us, so we could live forever free. Jesus, the Son of God, He came here, the King of heaven, took on flesh. (Incarnate) God in the flesh, came to us to defend our freedom of choice with the truth He came to share. We owed a death-debt we could not pay, He paid it with His life. He died so we might forever, freely live. He purchased our freedom from death. We have the freedom to have an opinion, the freedom to fly our countries flag which is the symbol of our liberty, the freedom to go to work, the freedom to learn and grow, the freedom to travel with our family, the freedom to attend church and worship God, the freedom to choose what we do and want to be, the freedom to raise our children, the freedom to make choices for our medical health, and the liberty to live, move, love, serve and be a part of all the things of our community that we choose. We are free.

We are free because it is an inalienable God given liberty to all mankind. God gave us a free will. He gave us the freedom of choice. Liberty for all, this is a God given freedom of choice that He does not interfere with. As we connect with God, heart to heart, we know Him, we experience Him and we realize the truth of God, which sets us completely free. Because we got to know God, experience His love and power, we freely choose Him. He gave us that right of choice, hoping, desiring for us to choose the best of life, which is Him, His way, and truth. He never pushed anything on our will, He let us choose. He is alive, He is with us, He is for us, there is no greater God than Him.

No man can steal our God given freedom, our liberty of heart which He gives us daily. In Christ, we are free indeed. Our flag flies freely, for now, but we have a fragile freedom because our culture is corrupting as we are attacked from within our nations from those who want to steal our freedom, subjugate, and hurt our children, stealing their innocence and isolating children from their family and parents. These corrupted, power hungry, soul sick people want to create a tyrannical society where we serve them as they serve no power higher than self. There has never been a time in history where absolute human power has not corrupted absolutely. Socialism and tyrannical dictators leave behind a legacy of suffering and death. We must say YES to GOD and NO to these power hungry, soul sick, evil people.

Our lives are in the hands of our God, He has not relinquished His authority to evil. We look to God as this deplorable enemy, which we do not underestimate, pushes deception into our societies creating a chaos that disrupts our peace. We look to Almighty God and we pray for Him to protect our liberty against the attack of these evil forces who serve no power higher than self. God is here, with us, and He wants to be a part of our lives, so we look to Him. We have to stop looking to human beings, whose hearts are wickedly evil, whose absolute power has corrupted absolutely. We must return our hearts to the Rulership of our God, this is where we will experience incorruptible power and abundant love and provision.

Human beings, created by God, created in His Image, uniquely shaped in our mother’s womb as male or female, with individual design and purpose, we must return to God, and wholly-holy align ourself with God, this is our reasonable service in times such as these. Our relationship with God, being His nation, being underneath His Sovereign will, this wholly-holy authority of God, is what will balance our teetering nations, right our spiritual keel, heal our nations and cause us to return to a freedom that is not overtaken by the evil designs of socialism, and a one world government, where even our children do not belong to us and our freedom is stolen.

We are One Nation Under God, indivisible with freedom, liberty and justice for all. Let this be so. Let us return to a rulership of God, underneath the authority of God’s Love, our Creator, Who knows and wants what is best for us. Our Resurrected Jesus, is the Only True Supremacy, the spilt blood of Jesus is the power that wins. God won. Our surest liberty, truest justice, and most secure freedom is found in God’s way, truth and life. Let’s be so, wholly-holy-His! Would you, Father God not revive us again with our first love of Jesus Christ? This is when we are truly powerful and wholly-holy free. God Wins! We must make sure we are standing with, on the side of the winner, Jesus Christ, on the side of His truth. Be So! Open your heart right now to the revival of God’s Holy Spirit.

Almighty God Is Our Proof, Jesus Christ Is Our Proven, And God’s Holy Spirit Is Our Prover! Therefore, With This Three In One, Powerful And Loving God, We Stand Undivided And Free In Liberty And Justice For All. Wholly-Holy-Align Your Life With God And Powerfully Fight The Good Fight Of Faith In Times Such As These… God Wins!
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