Celia Farber and Kevin Corbett

1 year ago

Celia Farber, the American investigative journalist, author and chronicler of the HIV/AIDS scandal, who wrote expose pieces about Anthony Fauci's HIV tyranny, and how it demolished true biology and science in America, in SPIN, and later Harper's (please see below), will speak to us at our Zoom meeting on Sunday 28 May 2023 at 8 pm London time (see link here https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9352118786?pwd=UlowWHpKdmVDeU1Hb1g0N3RpZDdqQT09 and invitation below).

Celia Farber calls herself a war correspondent, and the main war she lived through and covered in detail between 1987 and 2008, was the HIV war.

Writing expose pieces about Anthony Fauci's HIV tyranny, and how it demolished true biology and science in America, in SPIN, and later Harper's, she was targeted by numerous vicious discrediting campaigns. Her work rose to prominence again in 2020, as Covid was understood to have been modeled on the terror and fake science she (and others) documented in AIDS. She considers herself now a historian of HIV/AIDS dissent.

In 2021 her work was heavily cited in Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s The Real Anthony Fauci, and she featured also in the documentary of the same name. In March of 2023, Chelsea Green re-issued her "stillborn" 2006 book Serious Adverse Events: An Uncensored History of AIDS.

Born in New York City, raised in Sweden, she is the daughter of late radio legend Barry Farber, who gave her her favorite journalistic imperative motto: "Penetrate the ostensible."

Her undergraduate degree at NYU's Gallatin Division was in Classic Literature.

She has written articles on many subjects for: SPIN, Esquire, Rolling Stone, Harper's, The New York Observer, Lapham's Quarterly, Salon, The Epoch Times, The NY Press, UnCover DC and many others.

In 2008 she was the recipient, with Peter Duesberg, of the "Semmelweis Society Clean Hands Award For Investigative Journalism" from The Semmelweis Society International, (SSI) so besieged by protests from paid AIDS professionals, it led to years of litigation, and SSI had to close its doors.

She writes a popular Substack called The Truth Barrier (celiafarber.substack.com) on a broad variety of subjects, pertaining mostly to the synchronous global apparatus of attack on human life she refers to as "the anaconda."

Praise for Serious Adverse Events: An Uncensored History of AIDS

"I was astonished to discover Celia Farber's work on the lost history of AIDS…[Her] research gives context to the Covod catastrophe, which she all but predicted. Despite the medical cartel's brutal crusade to silence and vilify her, Farber never compromised."
—Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

"Serious Adverse Events is not just a dramatic and mesmerizing piece of work, it is deeply scholarly."

"Farber’s work is equal to the best of Seymour Hersh’s and as important as the Pentagon Papers. I repeat this, as important as the Pentagon Papers."
Elizabeth Nickson, Welcome To Absurdistan Substack

"Farber's work is journalism at its best—solid, lucid, and humane, attacking wrongs that few dare touch, and thereby helping right them."
—Mark Crispin Miller

"If you want to understand the real history of AIDS and why it mattered, Celia Farber is the main journalist who bore witness to it all, and took the blows accordingly. Her book is essential reading."
—Vera Sharav

"I encourage all who are curious about their world, and interested in becoming more informed, to buy and read this book."
Heather Heying, Natural Selections Substack

Dr Kevin Corbett MSc PhD, iconoclastic AIDS researcher, unbending campaigner against the Covid-19 orthodoxy and farseeing early opponent of the evidence-based medicine tyranny that is being imposed on us step by step.

Please watch this virtuoso performance by Dr Corbett:: https://www.bitchute.com/video/PrINnPSNm93e/

With the SARS-CoV-2 myth not working as well as they’d like, governments around the world and their media echo chambers have attempted to resuscitate the old virus myth of HIV. In light of these developments we had the privilege of speaking at length with Dr Kevin Corbett MSc Phd, a retired registered nurse, health scientist and educator for the health professions, who in this film, helps to unpack the history of AIDS and its links to COVID-19. Dr Corbett is one of the very few individuals in the UK with expertise in clinical and academic healthcare to not only challenge the official government line about the ‘Covid’ hysteria but to question the very existence of an isolated and purified SARS-CoV-2 virus. From the very start of the alleged pandemic, Dr Corbett has spoken out against government measures to allegedly control the virus, which have proven to be futile and extremely harmful to society. Dr Corbett has worked in hospitals as well as community and forensic medical services. Additionally he then went on to work in health sciences research where he looked into people’s experiences of medical diagnosis and treatments for chronic health conditions, particularly in HIV and AIDS. Dr Corbett is co-author of the Corman-Drosten Report Review calling out problems with the PCR test defined by a scientific paper in the Eurosurveillance journal getting a 'magical' peer review by two "experts" in 24 hours and recommended by the WHO before it was even published.

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