Greatest Secrets of the American Deep State Globalist NWO Alliance Exposed P3. Pilgrim's Back Nazis

1 year ago

Greatest Secrets of the American Deep State Globalist NWO Alliance Exposed P3. The British American Pilgrims Society
British and American Pilgrims Society Elite Back the Rise of Hitler and the Nazi Third Reich
You Can Not Understand what the Deep State is, or How It Operates, without first understanding the Elite Hierarchy that Dictates Policy, the Think Tanks, Foundations and NGO's that Manage and Implement Policy, and How Operatives are Chosen, Groomed and Placed Within the Highest Positions of Power within the U.S. Government.
A Free Direct pdf Download of this entire document is right here:
PART II: World War II
6. Pilgrims and international fascism
6.1. Mussolini in Italy
6.2. Hitler in Germany
6.3. Pilgrims-backed eugenics movement inspires Hitler
6.4. Franco in Spain
6.5. Fascism in Japan
6.6. Fascism in France
6.7. Fascism in Great Britain
6.8. Fascism in United States
6.8. How the anti-communist Anglo-American-Nazi alliance failed
6.9 Pilgrims, FDR and American fascism
PART III: Israel and the neocons
7. Pilgrims, blackmail over Nazi trade, and the birth of Israel
Part 1:
Part 2:
There is a Superclass that exists within the Anglo-American Establishment.
The most Prominent Members come from the British Aristocracy and American Billionaire Ruling Elite Families.
There is a Well Established Pecking Order of Generational Control held by these Elite Families that the Superclass consists of.
They Oversee an Elaborate Network that has Deeply Penetrated every Segment of Society and Government.
Once you can grasp what this massive system of control consists of, you will understand Why the Right Left Narrative of Republicans vs Democrats is a Complete Farse.
Politics in our Modern Age are Merely an Illusion. Everything is CONTROLLED by this Secret Hierarchy. They not only Rule from the Shadows, but from withing the Highest Levels of our Government Itself.
What is that Hierarchy?
The Three City States oversees the Committee of 300
The Committee of 300 oversees the Royal Instatute for International Affairs (Chatham House)
The Royal Instatute oversees the British American Pilgrims Society
The Pilgrims Society controls every Think Tank and Secret Society within the United States. Including the likes of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission.
If you have ever wondered why our Government Agencies are So Corrupt and nothing ever gets done, it is because Pilgrims Society Operatives from the Senior Executive Service are Placed at the the Head of Every One of them.
They not only Never Intended to do the Jobs they are placed within, but Block Good Government Employees from doing their Jobs and from Serving the Will of the People.
I recommend that you listen to each part, then open the PDF to study further and look at the supplemental content and pictures.
This Research is a Penatrating Deep Dive into the Secret System of Control that has Highjacked the United States Government.
If you do not understand how this elaborate interconnected network operates, you do not understand the Deep State, nor how our Modern Day Political System works.
@OratorBlog TheWarAgsinstYou 5-282023
The Pilgrims Society: A Century of Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Mellons and So Much More
"The aim of the international bankers
was nothing less than to create a world
system of financial control in private
hands able to dominate the political
system of each country and the economy
of the world as a whole.
This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences."

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