Josh Alexander verses Government Social Credit Score

1 year ago

It is so sad to hear how people have been duped into criticizing Chinese society being controlled by a "social credit score" system in which the Government watches every move people make, then limits people's rights and ability to live. I was blessed to live in China for a couple of months among the Chinese people and I can say from first-hand experience how its a lie, for the most part, the government stays out of people's lives, & overall Chinese society is far far freer that Canadian society.

For the most part, there are no legislative laws in China, the Chinese system works on a self-governing system of common law, in which there has to be a victim in order for there to be a crime. This is because there are almost 2 billion citizens governed by a few million government agents who really have very little control over the people, so government stays out of people's lives.

Imagine being able to set up shop on any corner you wish, on any sidewalk, farmers sell their fruits & vegetables without taxation, without having to collect taxes for the government. Anyone can set up a little cookshack & cook anything and sell it; no permits no food safe no license required, just be accountable for their actions, if they made people sick they'd go bankrupt.

Well here in Canada it's the total opposite where it's gotten so bad little children can't even set up a lemonade stand without the government "policy enforcers" threatening little children, shutting them down with an iron fist.

There are claims within the freedom movements that China society is horrible, and everyone in China is threatened and intimidated by the government's "social credit score" that limits the freedom and liberty of the people. It is BS bc overall there are very few "laws" in China, Chinese society is the way a society should be for the most part. It was like having a giant weight lifted while living in China, bc here in Canada people are truly terrorized by government "policy" & a "social credit score" that affects almost everyone's life and liberty here in Canada.

Many of the criminal activities government get away with here in Canada and the lack of accountability of government agents would never stand in China, bc they do have social media in China, where the people can get the reality of a situation and react in unity. When there are 2 billion citizens being governed by 2 million government agents, its easy for the people to affect change and accountability quite easily, and they do when the need arises.

There is very little if any "social control" or "social credit scores" in China, people overall are good people, helping each other, and caring for their community and country. The Chinese individual is very proud of their country and society and way of life, and when there is an emergency they pull together.

But here in Canada people don't realize how much social control & "social credit score" system has been in place for decades, each year the control over people and society is getting tighter and tighter to the point the Government is the largest terrorist organization in Canada.

People are terrorized and controlled in Canada far far more than they realize. Drinking driving laws use to be .08 so that people were able to be responsible for their actions, and did have some control to be responsible. Though in the last 20 years, the noose has been tightening around citizens' necks so that they are not able to even have one drink without "breaking the law" I saw during Christmas parties people were trying to have designated drivers, though a young driver is not even allowed to drive people home who've been drinking, the police seized their car and left people on the side of the road. People who drive over the speed limit by 40km have their vehicles and driver's licenses seized on the spot, leaving people on the side of the road, people have lost their jobs and families bc they can no longer go to work or pick up their kids. The "record" then stays and influences the citizen's life for their entire lives, indeed a social credit score.

There was an unconfirmed case of a Chinese politician who spoke out against China who had their family back in China prejudiced and harassed by Chinese government bc of their views here in Canada. It turned out to be BS, propaganda spun by the media.

But here in Canada, people are constantly prejudiced, & even their families attacked bc of their social & political views. Josh Alexander is a 17-year-old high school student in a Catholic high school who simply wore a shirt that said there are only two genders and backed it up with scripture. He was arbitrarily suspended for two weeks, then kicked out of the school forever.

If that wasn't enough, his parents who are both school teachers in no catholic schools were then terminated for no reason, no law was given, just fired and not allowed to work in any other school. Josh was then arrested for handing out Bibles on a public sidewalk.

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