Captured saboteurs planned to blow up Zaporizhia nuclear reactor with US Javelin missiles.

1 year ago

> Saboteurs who were preparing terrorist attacks on the NPP were detained in Energodar. They had with them maps and schematics of the nuclear power plant with marks for strikes that could lead to a nuclear catastrophe.
> The suspects are involved in collecting and transmitting information about the facilities of the Zaporozhye NPP on the instructions of the Ukrainian authorities. To communicate with the curators, they used foreign satellite systems, as well as foreign weapons for strikes and equipment for conducting reconnaissance and sabotage activities.

- Translated source message is from Telegram group [Slavyangrad Chat](
- Original source message is in Russian from Telegram group [WarDonbass](

Ukraine is down to raw conscripts and requires reinforcements. A nuclear false flag would justify NATO "peacekeeping" invasion and airstrikes. Biden is desperate to keep KGB investigators out of Kiev, lest his dirty laundry be aired to the world. Multiple 4chan leaks have warned NATO is targeting Zaporizhia, the latest two days ago.

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