The Velain Report Memorial Day Remembrance

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The Velain Report Memorial Day Remembrance

Hello everyone and welcome to the Velain Report I’m Pastor Scott Velain and today is May 29th Memorial day 2023 and we’re here this morning to memorialize one of the most important days in United States history as we call to remembrance those who have fallen… those who have laid their very lives down so that you and I here in the United States can to this very day enjoy the freedoms that are still left to enjoy.

Today as we take the time to remember those who have fallen and those who still have the gravel and the God given fortitude to serve and to protect the God given inalienable rights that we cherish here in this nation, we give thanks to the God of heaven and earth for those who stand with us in paying homage to those who have more than earned our respect.

In Romans chapter 13 verse 7 it is written, and I quote: “Pay to all what is owed to them: taxes to whom taxes are owed, revenue to whom revenue is owed, respect to whom respect is owed, and honor to whom honor is owed.”

And today we are here so that the world might hear us giving respect and honor to those who have without a doubt are owed our respect and our honor. All of this and more today… on The Velain Report…

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