Get out of the man made churches!!!

1 year ago

Leave the man made churches they are leading people to hell and do not care, Jesus never said to be a church member of a church, give money to a church, do small groups, keep Easter, good Friday, palm Sunday, do egg hunts and all the pagan holidays, go on a mission trip and do nothing, churches do nothing and don't care about God, repentance or anything, they care more about how many people go and become a church member and give money and not offend anyone!! Churches are fat rich and do nothing, if you are struggling to pay bills and about to loose your house the church will not care, if you are homeless they will not care, they do not care if you are abused , they care more about themselves and how the pastor looks!! Church members are very good at playing games and put on church costumes on Sunday and then act however they want the rest of the week!! So many pastors and church members will be left behind, they acted like they knew God but it is just a act, you can't play games with God, Jesus hates the lukewarm phony church going crowd and pastors!! He calls them wretched, pitiful, blind and naked and shameful and they are!! The early Christians suffered persercution and were killed, Christians were killed in the middle ages and it was the Catholic Church doing it, the Catholic pagan Satanic cult has blood on its hands, those who wrote the bible were burned on the stake for writing the Bible!! The puritans killed women they thought were witches and did it in Salam, Ma and they killed native Americans to and celebrated on Thanksgiving, religion has killed native Americans and hated Jesus, they hated Stephen to and the pharisees had him stoned outside of jersalem, James was killed by King Agrippa, Peter and John were put in jail many times just for preaching the gospel, now churches kick out anyone who offends them and kicks pastors out who speak from the Bible and Holy Spirit, they say you can't do that it offends us and we accept everyone, leave the churches!! God is not inside them at all

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