Shocking revelation What s really behind my discomfort with my body

1 year ago

It was this freak condition that was causing the breast tissue under my pecs that bench about 285, 8-10 reps. That's neither here nor there. It was causing the breast tissue to grow incongruently under my nipples. Now, before your imaginations start running fucking wild, let me shut that down right now, okay? Whatever image you're drawing up in your head, get it out of there. It wasn't anything drastic at all. If you had never seen me shirtless before, you would never even know the difference. But you know your body, right? If something's off just the littlest bit, you notice it more than anybody else ever would. So it was just messing with me mentally. Like, I wasn't comfortable in my own skin. I wasn't comfortable taking my shirt off. My Instagram was suffering. I was like, you know, it starts messing with business. You got to get checked out. So I go to the doctor, and he's like, yeah, I got it.

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