Write and Format a Book in Google Docs | 2023 Tutorial

1 year ago

Ready to write your book? You can do so in a simple and organized way in Google Docs!

Create a Gmail account: https://accounts.google.com/signup
Access Google Drive (must be signed into Gmail): https://drive.google.com

**So I actually used an excerpt from Chapter 1 instead of literally using the first three chapters, and I also said "enter" instead of return a few times as well. Forgive me 😂


My first memory of loving writing comes from elementary school, where I was given a small (but very exciting!) blank book to fill as an assignment. In the years since, I've written all kinds of stories throughout middle school, high school, and college, and in 2022, I decided to finally become a published author!

I like to keep my inspiration fresh by writing about flawed and courageous characters in fantasy, romance, and thrillers. Some of my favorite activities are campfires, movie nights, and looking at dreamy coastal homes online.


M Y B O O K S:



C O N N E C T W I T H M E:

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