28 05 23 MIRACLE HEALING SERVICE - Making Our Election Sure & The Holy Ghost Role of Women!

1 year ago

Message through David P & E M Lindsay Griffiths
2 Peter 1:10 Authorized (King James) Version
10 Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall:

THE CONTEXT is key to understanding that to keep one's election sure one needs to be of the being clearly shown right at the beginning of the chapter, not bowing down to the religious spirit that suppresses women, that quenches the spirit but being that partaker of the divine nature - whatever the natural gender may be!

ECCTV.ORG for Stewardship and PAYPAL BUTTONS on the footer - Cheques written to "BIBLE COLLEGE OF WALES", 23-27 George Street, Whithorn, Wigtownshire, DG8 8NS.

Upholding the original vision of Rees Howells in reaching every creature with the Gospel, the Gospel of the true Bible, not the Alexandrian counterfeits of the Emerging Church.

Love to hear from you ....... ecctv4219@gmail.com

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