Living With Demons!

1 year ago

#TakeshaWilliams #EfremAllenJr #PolkCountySheriffGradyJudd #Lululemon #chroming

28 But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you. 29 Or how can one enter a strong man’s house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man? And then he will plunder his house. 30 He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters abroad. (Matthew 12: 28-30 NKJV)

A Florida couple have been charged with manslaughter after a 3-year-old with severe injuries died earlier in the month, according to police.
An emergency room doctor said the unidentified baby had not received proper care for months, according to police. The medical examiner said the 3-year-old had sepsis, bilateral pneumonia, and Stage 5 ulcers. (Blaze Media, May 27, 2023)


According to one of the fired employees, the same group of masked burglars had targeted the Lululemon store for weeks as horrified employees watched in silence.
After several robberies, the employees decided to call the police – and they were promptly fired for violating the company’s policy of not interfering with a burglary. (Gateway Pundit, May 27, 2023)


Esra Haynes died after she inhaled fumes from a deodorant can, causing her to go into cardiac arrest March 31. She remained on life support eight days, at which point doctors determined her brain was "damaged beyond repair" and her family decided to turn off the machines. (Fox News, May 28, 20230

We are living in an upside down world. Wrong has become right, and right has become wrong. Evil is good and good has become evil. The Bible is exactly right on this point, as usual.

Please I ask you to open your eyes and your ears. All you have do is see for yourself what is going on, and ask Jesus to open your eyes. Please accept Jesus while you still have the opportunity. We live in a world run by demons. This is NOT normal.

Eyes Open!






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