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Mike Balloun teaches today. 05/27/23
VERSES: Ezekiel 28; Isaiah 14; Revelation 20:1-3; John 17:21-23a
Why did Lucifer, created in splendor and majesty, fall? Why did he not repent? Why is he called the "that old serpent… the Devil, and Satan…”? Scripture says he is presently the god of this world/age; prince of the power of the air. Who is he? He is a disinherited spirit being, existing in a spiritual body in the unseen sphere of this Realm where spirits reside, which is unseen to natural human eyes. Specifically, where is he? He is relegated to this Realm's unseen heaven, known as the first heaven, which is not limited to the atmosphere of gases surrounding this Earth or even the Solar system in which we live… but in the far-reaching space of this Realm (seen and unseen intrinsically united together in the design of God), wherever destruction may be perceived. That ruin being due to his rebellion against his Creator and God's judgment upon his once thriving Kingdom in this Realm (its heaven and Earth) that God had originally appointed him to rule over as a part of God’s Theocratic Government in His Universe. (Ezekiel 28, Isaiah 14, Genesis 1:2a)
There are 2 foundational Truths that can be perceived from Scripture:
The first being that God desires oneness unity/union with His intelligent free will Creation. This desired unity was first exhibited with spirits/angels to one degree or another, then much later and more recently with humans/living souls first with Adam and Eve, and at last with those out of His redeemed Body. A future fullness of oneness union with God is reflected in Christ's prayer and is the Atonement’s greater and little understood contingent purpose recorded in the 17th Chapter of John (and then in other additional revealings throughout the New Testament). John 17:21-23a… “That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one: I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one…” What does all this speak to us? What is this all about? Again, its foundational understanding is all about God’s desire to have a “Oneness” with His intelligent beings.
The second foundational truth we can see from Scripture is that oneness/unity was/is prevented through the lack of worked out capacity within the created being. That lack being reckoned as no failure of the Creator. The absence of that oneness with God is laid at the feet of His created intelligent beings, who were apathetic or deceived, or who wickedly exercised/exercise their own free wills wickedly. God did not create pre-programmed robots, but intelligent beings with free will to choose to be faithful in all circumstances, evidently leading to a deeper intimacy with their Creator, or choose a path that prohibits that from happening. God does not force His all-powerful sovereign will, even at the loss of His own desired will, as seen first with Lucifer and then again with Adam. In answer to His just holiness, He chooses not to exercise His Sovereign power as it relates to free will. In that, it is impossible to give to a free will agent (angel or man) what only he may attain by way of exercising his volition/will at the crossroads of God-given experiences.
So it is from the Creator’s desired will view (again, which He does not always realize from His intelligent created Beings) that for His intelligent free-will agents, there is to be a discovered growing humility in loving gratefulness in an awe- filled fear (not being afraid of their Creator, which pushes them away, but a fear that draws them closer, therefore not to be confused with the ‘spirit of fear’) /awareness that everything possessed or ever will be possessed by them has at its core God's benevolent nature. For He desired/desires to share more fully His endless bounty with them. His bounty has to do with unfathomable oneness with Him. Christ’s Words spoken about the one who was forgiven much loveth much (Luke 7:36-50) are a clue to: the fall of satan, the design for the making of Adam/Man, and after his fall the design for fallen mankind as the redeemed seed of Adam, which ultimately is to become Scripture’s answer to the serpents’/satan’s final judgment demise of Genesis 3:15… and the New Creature of the New Testament destined for oneness union with God.
Lucifer’s and Adam’s shunning the wisdom of God led them into prideful ungratefulness and lack of humility, being then without developing capacity unto a ONENESS worthiness, which led to their demises (although manifest under different conditions). Adam was created and given the authority over God's limited Re-creation (in that not all things previously ruined in Lucifer's rebellion were restored, in that the Earth’s material things were the focus in the 6-Day Re-creation), and then the Woman was made from the Man and given to him as a helpmeet. They, together were to multiply and take dominion and rule over the restored Earth. Their creation they awoke to, albeit in a “very good state”, paled in the glory and dominion to the onetime great Cherub’s/Lucifer’s dominion, who on the day of his creation, becoming conscious, (awoken to himself) was in the very manifest presence of God in Heaven, awakened in an unexcelled beauty and perfection in all God's Creation. In comparison to Lucifer, all other created beings seemingly paled.
Lucifer came into being in the Holy Mountain of God surrounded by the Garden of God, unto ministerial authority and glory that reached unto the very Throne of God. Alas, a glory that proved too heavy for him to bear, in that Scripture declares God to have said this to him relative to his fall: “Thine heart (in the power of your free will) was lifted up because of thy (God-gifted) beauty, thou hast corrupted thy (God-granted) wisdom (rejecting the retaining of the knowledge and fear of God that would always offset the inferior inclination to selfish pride) by reason of thy brightness” (splendor). [Ezekiel 28:17a] See Verse 15 which also speaks of Lucifer… “Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.” (Sin being here seen as originated by Lucifer.) As we can see by the many references to Lucifer before his fall, God didn’t make Lucifer less than perfect, God made him intelligently aware with a free will, which made him only vulnerable to himself (his own choices). But rather than retain God’s to-be-further-gleaned wisdom, which would have offset any propensity or inclination to selfishness or pride, he rejected it. He refused the antidote for the poison that could enter into a free will. The antidote being the revealed wisdom/wise dominion of God (the growing awe/feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder of God… in that fear of God is the beginning of wisdom/wise dominion and manifests in humility and gratefulness in thoughts, words, and actions in the experiences brought to bear upon the created free will agent in order to further capacitate them toward God’s desired oneness in a future glory).
(You can do no harm to Scripture by substituting Lucifer for his spiritual seed in the reading of these next Verses, as they speak to a universal truth concerning God’s free-will created beings. “Because that, when they (Lucifer) knew God, they (he) glorified him not as God, neither were (was he) thankful; but became vain in their (his) imaginations, and their (his) foolish heart was darkened…” [Romans 1:21] “And even as they (Lucifer) did not like to retain God in their (his) knowledge, God gave them (him) over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient…” [Romans 1:28] “Who (Lucifer) knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do (does) the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.” [Romans 1:32] All this indictment to lost men or redeemed man given up by God is, in the first place, also applicable to Lucifer, they being similar darkened-hearted free will agents.)
It then can be understood in the light of that previous great 'spirit/angel' having been created with an unlimited free will (in that to limit the free will on the one end is to limit it in ‘oneness’ on the other) and Scripture speaks of Lucifer being created “perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee,” that the man Adam, like Lucifer, was in the same sense made "perfect" from the day of his creation, and also with an unlimited free will. In that in the first place, it is evidently not in God’s will… nor more “perfect” to ‘limit’ the free will of choice in His intelligent beings (although He wisely has limited their power). So additionally, it is evident that being created “perfect and very good” with free will did not in itself constitute a state of selflessness, like Himself, that He yet desires to be developed through free will for a certain glorious co-ruling oneness union with Him. In answer to this, was the 6 Day Re-creation and its new leading player, Man, was determined. (Ephesians 1:4) In that the material being Man/Adam was made in the image of God, also with freedom of will, as were the spirits/angels before him, but with one command (not to eat of that certain tree), being a new being, another free will agent empowered with authority now under open test and trial… (“I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: That thou mayest love the LORD thy God, and that thou mayest obey his voice, and that thou mayest (wisely) cleave unto him… Deuteronomy 30:19). Adam and the Woman, made in a “very good” state, but being yet capable of a much deeper appreciation of their Creator (as was Lucifer at his creation), was by freedom of will tempted by Lucifer, the fallen great spirit, to venture beyond his single required limit. In anticipation, God made Man more limited (“lower than the angels”); out of physical earthly material and thereby more confined and more restricted in his Kingdom, and with much less splendor (glory) than Lucifer, and placed him, nonetheless capable for the task set before him (the spoken task to protect/tend to the Garden, take dominion, and multiply… and the unwritten task of growing in wisdom’s intimacy) in close proximity to the fallen spirit enemy.
All is set forth for this eternal grand and glorious reason… to attain the oneness unity with a “New Creature” (Galatians 6:15) of His free will agents, tested, tried, and capacitated to then be adopted as first-born ruling sons who then would be His kings and priests in His restored and expanded Theocratic Government throughout His great creation. In God's design, He purposefully limited His new creation; man/Adam and limited his influence; in that previously He created myriads of angels in perfect states and set them over His vast estate (yet subject to infirmity due to free will), but now God determined to make one being in a perfect state; made in His image, from whom He would bring forth/build another like being (woman), together capable of reproducing after their own kind. (In this marvelous plan, always with fallen man and redemption in view, then procreation may be understood; in seeing the marvelous wisdom of God that through one man came sin and death unto all mankind and therefore reciprocally, in just answer to that, through also one Man comes merciful redemption with the gift of eternal life, and that for merely receiving by faith His/Christ’s substitutionary sacrifice. But in God’s predetermined purpose, far beyond that redemption gift of eternal life, comes the opportunity for redeemed Mankind’s oneness co-ruling glory as a resurrected New Creature in Christ, that “so great salvation” which answers to God’s true redemption purpose. After which, the resurrected glorified man, having fulfilled procreation’s great purpose, being then righteously “sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body”, a spiritual being, likened to Angels, after which will not procreate. In that in God’s predetermined purposes, every one of Adam and Eve’s offspring in redemption could/should develop eternal humility in loving gratefulness through the revelation in God’s Word in faith and personal living experience upon the Earth as a material being, under the curse of death, and could/should eternally recognize the exceedingly sinfulness and exceedingly destructiveness of self-willed pride.
God, having already been through the sadly disappointing experience with Lucifer; that being the possibility of an honored and elevated intelligent being with a free volition of his own, who rejecting the offsetting wisdom of God in a proper appreciation for his Creator, develops a destructive sense of pride, as opposed to God’s desire of a oneness. So God, in untold attempts of reconciliation through loving mercy and holy justness, and through untold Ages later, had in the counsel of His own hidden will, before the foundation of this world, had looked beyond Adam and Eve in His New Creation unto their offspring, condemned under the just judgment of God as Adam’s seed, who were all considered present at the fall, being then in his loins. (Hebrews 7:9, Romans 5:12,17-19) Who therein would be hard pressed under the curse of death in the sin nature, yet wooed by the Holy Spirit until their discovery of their inherent sinful nature and need for God’s gracious redemption provision. (Note; For if they had procreated before the fall, his seed would have come forth in the image of God, not the image of man, without the need of redemption and subject to the same perpetuating infirmity of Lucifer or Adam.) And so it was after Adam and the Woman’s fall, that they reproduced, and their seed, naturally born into the Earth under the condemning state of God's wrath; born into death. And, again, although Adam and Eve were redeemed, and received the promise of eternal life in a future resurrection of restored bodies by repentance and the shed blood of an innocent animal, all their offspring were yet destined to taste of pride-filled death (Hebrews 9:27); in the firsthand terrors of rejecting their Creator, in that all come forth in the image of fallen man condemned, but not without the gracious witness of the Creator and the sufficient flicker of conscience with the free offer of redemption from eternal death to eternal life, that was never far away. (Romans 1:19-20)
God’s Redemption and subsequent faithfulness under trial to the enlightened over the first 4000-year history of man held a shadowy mysterious promise, and that being not only of redemption’s eternal life, but an eternal glorious heavenly inheritance. (Hebrews 11:10,13-16) God’s view of the redemption of man, before his making, was/is always to elevate redeemed and proven faithful under test and trial, spiritually matured and capacitated mankind while alive, and to later, after generation followed by generation, He would bring in the full complement of people for His Name sake, or worthy of taking His Name, then bring him/them up, and out from under the dominion of death in Hades in the First Resurrection, out from among all the rest of the dead, changed magnificently in a twinkling of an eye, as the manifest New Creature now finally comes forth into that likeness for His long-desired oneness union “in glory”, caught up into the heavenly realm of this Earth, to be wed with Jesus the Son of Man, wherein they might rule with Christ over this earth from its heaven, both in the Millennium and with further promise in the New heaven and New Earth.
But the shadow, after 4000 years, has taken on the reality of that then previously mysterious oneness heavenly calling, being now fully revealed to the sincere, attentive redeemed in Christ Jesus, through the Scriptures for the last 2000 years, as a reward far beyond the gift of eternal life, to be presented by God for that reverential gratefulness expressed in a free moral agent’s life of selflessness in the crucifixion process of the carnal enmity of the old man, unto a capacitated worthiness while under trial and test, in this World, ruled by its god, unto that future predicted oneness glory to rule in his stead.
And as all the redeemed into Christ’s Body are faced with the wisdom of the designed plan of God, determined before the foundation of the 6-Day Re-creation, that of man having been redeemed and renewed in spirit in Christ, is now to have the New Testament-revealed depths of the enmity of the sinful flesh within him. This is the appointed dynamic of God, peculiar to the redeemed in Christ, now born again from above; with the divine nature, the love of God, the Holy Spirit, and the Word of the New Testament, wherein now the 2 internal natures struggle; the old man of Adam and the new man in Christ. This dynamic with purpose is revealed as the wisdom of God to the renewed mind in the Word of Truth, where in the battle for Godliness, it is intended and essential that there be the personal revelation of the exceedingly sinfulness of sin (Romans 7:13) resulting in an ever-increasingly deeper appreciation of God’s Majesty. Being now under the more exacting moral commands of Christ our Master, beyond the law of Moses, in that the now redeemed in the New Testament are thoroughly equipped and thereby are commanded to overcome the now even more insidious symptoms of its enmity corruption.
The greatly expanded command to the redeemed of overcoming the now more fully revealed sin nature is balanced/offset by the revelation of their mercifully and justly walking under “the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus that has set me free from the law of sin and death”. The law through which the redeemed, who have rightly discerned, maintain unbroken fellowship without perfection by vigilantly repenting and keeping a good conscience before the Lord, drawing upon the grace of the divine influence upon their hearts, kept by the power of God, while they unrelentingly battle the evil forces, within and without, in their pursuit of Christlikeness. Willingly choosing to exercise their free wills to overcome/crucify the embedded tendency of the disqualifying prideful will of infirmity in the carnality of their soul. (Romans 5:1-5) And again to repeat… this spiritual battle, in the foreknowledge of God, before the making of Man, was determined/appointed for this Realm; the extremely hostile fallen spirit environment of the originator of pride, so that the enlightened redeemed person yielding his soul up in selflessness might overcome while under trial and test in the heartland of pride. They do this by daily drawing upon mercy and grace through ‘loving faith in God’ as justly granted in that it is the blessing for ‘believing without having seen’ (John 20:29), fighting the contrary root nature of pride (first manifest by Lucifer) within and without. That pride being the bane (curse/affliction) of the free will agent without the personal capacity of reverential gratefulness found in a free will yielded to the wisdom and fear of God. Now fearful gratefulness is to be discovered in redemption, it is the boon (desirable state) found in the depths of self’s true transforming awareness; that of God’s ‘awesomeness’ yet ongoing willingness to forgive the sins in the increasing enlightened repentant seeker yielding his members unto righteousness in selfless, often suffering, acts of free will. Whose eyes are wet with tears of grateful loving appreciation for redemption’s forgiveness and for the promises to the overcomer (the typical heart in action seen in the unnamed woman of Luke 7:36-50). That is, the promise to be completely changed in the First Resurrection to be fit for oneness “union” with their Maker. In that now God might pour out of Him the never-experienced oneness fullness of His loving bounty on His adopted firstborn sons who then will be able to bear the weight of their glory spread over the shoulders of their Bridegroom and King, with eternal loving grateful capacitated awareness of His selfless enabling work that brought them from the depths of their diabolical depravity.
The issue with Lucifer, a highly intelligent free-will being, in his highly privileged created state that he awoke and grew in, that later erupted as pride, was his lack of exercising God-granted wisdom (wise-dominion) in ruling humility (the heart with humility, seeing themself, more and more, in the light of God’s awesomeness, being what God looks for, as you cannot rule in His Theocratic Government without humility). Lucifer being then without proper and proportionate gratefulness, was thereby without increasing awe and appreciation for his Creator. Wisdom, which Scripture declares God withholds from none of His intelligent beings, offsets, to a sufficient degree, the immature prideful tendency naturally latent in all free moral agents. (James 1:5… “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.”) But particularly susceptible to pride are ‘masters/teachers’ (James 3:1), and even more so were the ‘apostles’ (2nd Corinthians 12:7-10… here note the documented ‘wisdom’ given to Paul who indirectly sought for it and then having been given it joyously exercising his will walked in it, embracing the trials and circumstances of this living on the Earth that he learned were meant to capacitate him for the First Resurrection in glory. (Philippians 3)
And even more so than Paul and the Apostles, are those heavenly ruling agents (Daniel 4:30) who were even more exalted, having a ruling splendor and glory, who would be tested in wisdom as free moral agents to look at their authority, greater abilities, beauty, and accomplishments, from a pride-filled view. Yet the very makeup and definition of free will must mean an awareness in self-direction and choosing, and this is ordained by God. But along with the gift of free will, comes an acquired wisdom in right discernment, that was always close at hand, from the Beginning, for His intelligent created beings to glean, as seen on display in God’s awesome/fearful creating demonstration as His spirits/angels looked on. (See Genesis 1:1 with Job 38:2,4-7… “Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge/wisdom? … Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding. Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line upon it? Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof; When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?” See also Exodus 20:20… “And Moses said unto the people, Fear not: for God is come to prove -- you, and that his fear may be before your faces, that ye sin not.”)
And from the 6-Day Re-creation, for the first four thousand years, God’s un-fallen spirits/angels have looked on and wondered what in this World was God doing with Man in that it was a great mystery… that is until Christ, the Son of Man was resurrected. Now they see clearly in the further revealed awesome wisdom of God what the Creator intends to do in redeemed and then the further sanctified Man, to capacitate them to be the inheritors of the Kingdom with Christ to handle the great glory attained through their willingly exercising their free wills in suffering selflessness while carrying the heavy burden of death throughout their journey, all which will be found to be in preparation to elevate them to rule with the Son of Man.
Though they (un-fallen angels) themselves yet rule as kings and priests in this realm as God’s representatives, it is without redemption (it being not necessary), sitting now on heavenly thrones relative to this Realm (its heaven and Earth; one out of many Realms within God’s Universe), and that on their own, but somewhat yet comparatively limited merit of appointment and right, through ongoing wise choices (but less meritoriously in that they are less capacitated than overcoming redeemed man, having always been without selfish pride, in a certain state of holiness being without sin, and the need of redemption, and the fighting of a spiritual war for sanctification unto a personal overcoming of the flesh, world, and devil). And in their obtained wisdom, now are discerning the superiority in worthiness of Jesus the incarnate Son of Man and those Men over Whom He throws His resurrection mantle, who according to prophetic Scripture will most certainly receive and pick up those Angels’ crowns and replace them as rulers in the Age to come. This they (the Angels who did not follow Lucifer in his rebellion) now foresee, and as a result cry out... “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.” ... “And they (God’s Angels) sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain (in unmatched humble loyalty to the Throne and selfless manifest love for Man), and hast redeemed them (them- not ‘us’, which is a critically important distinction that is in the original Greek text) to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; And hast made (us) them unto our God kings and priests: and (we) they shall reign on the earth. And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels… ten thousand, and thousands of thousands; saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory, and blessing. And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth and such that as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I (John) saying Blessing, and honor, and glory, and power. Be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever. And the four beasts (living creatures) said, Amen. And the four and twenty elders (‘elders’ meaning Angels who had been directly involved as part of those original Angels ruling under Lucifer ever since Lucifer's appointment over this Realm many Ages ago, long before the 6-Day Re-creation, and…) fell down and worshipped him that liveth for ever and ever.” (at John’s {a worthy man’s} proclamation - Revelation 5)
What the un-fallen yielded Angels have is understanding drawn upon the wisdom provided by God in the experience they are now faced with, and thereby wisely exercise their free wills in holy willing obedience. A state of holiness and great favor but yet lacking for the holy ‘union’ with God in the ruling oneness He desires. (A possible allusion to Genesis 2:20… “And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found a help meet for him.”) Typically, there is not a created creature fit for Oneness with God outside of the proven selfless New Creature to come forth in Christ at His return to this Realm as its King. Un-fallen Angels being without the oneness capacity attainable only by the redeemed fallen man, who then must overcome to be a Man elevated in the First Resurrection into glory above the ruling Angels. And then to be far superior to that of Lucifer or Adam’s creation ‘image’, and far greater in glorious splendor. It is the prophetic and yet unseen appointed distinguishing point in time that raises the redeemed overseer up into Christ’s glory and justly leaves the merely redeemed man yet of lesser stature and position eternally to an un-fallen wise Angel. (Psalms 8:5 with Hebrews 2:6-7)
“Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any (redeemed) man love the world, the love of the Father is not (not chosen by the free will of the redeemed/ not active) in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life (the clever deceits that darken the soul to wisdom that disqualified the Woman), is not of the Father (here it must be the redeemed being addressed by the Holy Spirit in that only the redeemed may know Him as Father), but is of the world. And the world (and its present purposes appointed in the capacitating the redeemed in test and trial) passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth (as a capacitating act of his free will) the (desired) will of God (after being redeemed and then overcoming the flesh, the World, and devil, while alive in this World) abideth for ever” (2nd Corinthians 4:17, as His tested and tried overcomers, capacitated for a worthiness unto that God-desired oneness as adopted firstborn sons to rule in resurrection glory). (1st John 2:15-17)
This great spiritual Truth is set forth Scripturally for the redeemed to attain its wisdom, in that God’s future ruling ‘firstborn sons’ are to be from redeemed fallen mankind; and further sanctified in worthiness through the exercising of their free will, to the Word’s commands, unto the reward of the First Resurrection glorious oneness union. It is a regal glory like never before nor never again to be repeated (in that redemption and its purposes once served, then sin {at the least in God’s eternal co-ruling consorts} will be put away forever). They will reign in oneness royal splendor with God for ever and ever from the heavenly Realm. Then by necessity, the redeemed living today must awaken from the ‘Eve’-like darkness and come into the working knowledge of the exceeding sinfulness of sin by renewing their minds to that freeing Truth, and exercising their free wills towards a holy and separated Christ-centered lifestyle while living in this World.
This was/is the purposeful allowance in the design of God for Adam; a living soul, even the intent behind His Re-creation of the limited portion of this now twice fallen Realm. In that the free will man, in the wondrous privileged state; created as the ‘Head’ over all God’s Re-creation in this Realm, he would fall, as the ‘spirits’ did from a more grand state prior to him. But in God’s design, he did not utterly fall. On the contrary, He Himself was prepared to take on the likeness of ‘Man’ and suffer as a Man, to ensure their redemption, and that as a gift simply by faith alone in His provisional grace. And in the doing, He had pre-determined through His own humbleness in giving up His place in the God-Head to also provide the advanced means for their willing transformation into a New Creature to be brought back with Him into that oneness union with the Father as the Son of Man, like none before nor ever will be again, a New Creature having “made herself ready” (in the manifold wisdom of God being what makes this creature uniquely different from all others). A created being now fit for an unimagined unity/oneness with God, that is with the overcoming character with the knowledge of good AND EVIL; a oneness desired by God in His First-Born sons, that Angels could not or had not availed themselves. The offering of the Son of Man was the further means to this desired ‘oneness’ that Jesus proclaimed in John 17; that which prophetically Hebrews 1-3 describes as the End of this Age’s manifest pre-ordained results in “bringing many sons unto glory” as “so great salvation” and the “heavenly calling inheritance”. It is expressly said that regarding angels, God “…hath… not put in subjection the world to come whereof we speak” but glorified men sanctified out of the redeemed Body of the Son of man… and presented unto Him at the First Resurrection to be His worthy Bride in a oneness mystically understood in that joining of un-fallen Adam and his bride. (See Genesis 2:22-24 with Ephesians 5:31-32)
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