It Feels So Good - Jamie Lee Dolheguy | Australian True Crime Case Documentary

1 year ago

For this weeks True Crime Case we travel to Australia, into the dark mind of Jamie Lee Dolheguy.

Jamie has a really rough upbringing. She was abused in all 3 ways but when she was 10 the local authorities got involved and removed Jamie from her mum.

That's where her life changed dramatically though. Jamie liked with 2 carers who kept an eye on her around the clock, even when she was sleeping.

During this time she was self harming and acting extremely strange. Everyone was terrified of her and they even called her the "shape-shifting demon girl".

However, when she turned 18, this around the clock care... just stopped. It only took a couple of months before Jamie lure in her first victim.


This is a real, True Crime Case, so it's important that if you share or comment you do so with the appropriate sensitivity.

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Intro - 00:00
Disclaimers - 00:19
About Jamie Lee Dolheguy - 00:33
Maulin Rathod - 10:31
Day of the murder - 11:23
Police Interview - 14:57
Court - 18:09

#Truecrime #TrueCrimeAustralia #truecrimecase


The reason my True Crime cases go into such detail is because i take them seriously.
I see myself as an "Investigative journalist", although I don't like the term when referring to myself, it does very much explain what i do.
However I only ever use Information and Images that are already in the public domain.
I try my best at all times to be respectful and unbiased. With only good intentions.
If you are close to a Case/Crime that i cover and you want me to remove it from my youtube/Podcast. That being a close relative. Then feel free to contact me at . However please be aware, I am not obligated to do so..


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