May 28, 2023, Mark 2:13-17, "Jesus, Friend of sinners" (Live)

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Mark 2:13-17, Jesus calls Levi (a tax collector to the Roman government) and eats with sinners, and the Pharisees ask why He fellowships with those sinners.
Luke 7:36-39, a sinful woman finds Jesus eating with a Pharisee in his house, and anoints His feet.
Luke 7:44-50, Jesus forgives her sins and her faith in Jesus is revealed to the self-righteous people in that house.

[Levi called to follow.]
. mini-background: a tax collector (like Levi) could report fishermen who moonlight (continue fishing at night to overcome the burden of taxation), to the Roman government
Mark 2:13-14, Jesus calls Levi, and immediately Levi leaves his comfortable and profitable station behind and follows Jesus
. mini-background: Matthew (whose other name was Levi) transformed from a record keeper for the Roman government (a tax collector), to the author of the Gospel according to Matthew

[A community of sinners listen.]
Mark 2:15, Levi invites others to come eat with Jesus
. note: a lot of people want Christ and are unsure of how to meet Him (for they were sinners)

[The self-righteous judge.]
Mark 2:16, the Pharisees question Jesus and His disciples, for the Pharisees (in their self-righteousness and proclaimed cleanliness) separate themselves from such people (people in the context of these verses) who are coming to Christ
Mark 2:17, 'those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick'; Jesus responds, explaining that He is calling sinners to repentance

Psalm 119:89-91

[ songs]
107816, How Firm A Foundation
14181, How Great Thou Art
3700756, Worthy Of Worship
2430948, Come Now Is The Time To Worship
23206, Just As I Am

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