ELIJAH FIRE: Malachi 4 hearts of the fathers turn to the sons and vice versa

1 year ago

The fire on Elijah's altar was a result of repairing the Lord's altar after the defilement of Baal worship. Is Baal worship in our western culture responsible for all the trauma occurring in families?
If so, we need to repair the altar of the Lord, and press into Him for the sake of our natural and spiritual children and grandchildren.

You don’t have to read, watch, or listen to much news to know children are the targets of the enemy. The enemy does not only want to rob, kill and destroy their childhoods, but their identity, and their futures.

surge of wickedness in schools, governments, corporations, media—can be overwhelming. Families devastated by prodigals, relationship break down, broken marriages, many singles—cant find spouse, addictions; drugs, alcohol, sexual sins, perversity, trafficking of children, abortion, abuse of all kinds, mental illness struggles, suicides attempts, New Age, occult, Buddhism / humanism…isms of all kinds.

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