The Orient Mako Is BACK! Mako III Review (The Real One!)

1 year ago

Huge thanks to TUS Watches for letting me know this was coming!

After Years of rumors, speculation, and most of all confusion. The Orient Mako III is finally here. It long winding story, but the end result is one worthy of Orient's legacy.

Straps Used:
Strapcode Razor Bracelet:
Strapseeker Black & Orange Hybrid: Strapseeker Hybrid (on Amazon):
-Use Code "RELATIVETIME" for 15% off StrapSeeker Straps

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00:00 It Does EXIST!
00:55 Long Winding Road
03:27 Kamasu Platform and Specs
04:14 On The Wrist
05:03 The Confusing Mess of Names
06:50 We Are to Blame
07:50 A Lot Of the Same
09:09 Same Negatives
10:42 The Hawaiian of Dive Watches
11:54 Grey Dial
14:34 LUME!
15:30 Confusing Colorways
17:00 All You Need

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