Burping Compilation May 2023 #4 | RBC

1 year ago

Opening music: https://youtu.be/GNVQSwQoDk4
Ending music: https://youtu.be/lwGosPlZs-I
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raphaparola/
Quem quiser, ajude o meu canal/Who wants, help my channel:
Doar/Donate: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=D5U7PP9SDT7ZG
Doar via PIX: 2e839dd1-1f54-4d7f-8017-bdaee664963b
Valeu Demais/Super Thanks: https://youtu.be/LPWJKw5A0QA

PORT: Apresentando pra vocês, a "Burping Compilation May 2023 #4".
Mais uma compilação de maio, com vários arrotos incríveis como sempre.
Peço desculpas pela demora em lançar esta, mas ainda assim, sigo procurando postar sempre na sexta, beleza?
Enfim, espero que vocês gostem. :)
ENGL: Introducing to you, the "Burping Compilation May 2023 #4".
Another compilation from May, with lots of amazing burps as always.
I apologize for the delay in releasing this one, but still, I'm still trying to post on Fridays, okay?
Anyway, I hope you like it. :)

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