1 year ago

Yom Hadin is Hebrew for " Day Of Reckoning", or Judgment day,
Judgement day is when the true nature of the enemy and the mysteries of god revealed in these last days. It has come and he knows his time is short and why the god of this world is rebuilding it and preparing for war against humanity which began long ago but, is culminating in our before our very eyes.
this revealing may at first blush sound exceedingly bizarre, but this has been part of our history of all ancient texts and even deep mythology. It is also in scripture. Christians of the very early church knew these secrets of the archons.
Who are they and where do they live? As I bring to you what was revealed to me in and open vision , and show where these links are connected finally allow us a better look at why we are broken and who we even are. It's time we better understand and quickly because our hearts are not yet in the place they must be to pass through this next stage and beyond. I am going to be covering this topic and more at least once per week here on youtube and adding content to my twitter @WillingWitness subscription. I am 100% viewer supported by donations and currently rebuilding my life and gear, every single penny helps feed me right now. I am so blessed to have been able to be a part of all of your lives. I truly am.

If you want to donate, please use my cashapp $GlobalWitness

May you all be blessed with peace and joy.

See you soon.

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