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NAPOLEON: I have come to change my views entirely on Napoleon over the years, and I wish I could remake this video since I have become much wiser from my mistakes. Napoleon was not an atheist, nor was he fighting for England and their bankers. He was a much greater man than I ever gave him credit, a man who even Adolf Hitler admired.

1. It was Napoleon who stopped the revolutionaries and genocides and brought order to France as the streets ran with blood. Even though he conquered the Church of Rome, he still established them as the Church of France, while the revolutionaries were murdering priests.

2. Napoleon never intended to sail to Jerusalem and establish the Jews in Palestine. Napoleon had done something much more amazing instead. Napoleon would gather all the greatest minds in all of Europe, such as: engineers, archaeologists, historians, scientists, artists, and all sorts of various scholars, to send them on a mystery voyage with his fleet, to a land Napoleon only told his closest Generals.

Everyone assumed that Napoleon must be heading towards Jerusalem, and so some newspapers fabricated some stories and people were made to believe in such nonsense as I did. The French fleet landed in the ancient lands of Egypt, Napoleon wanted to sever England's trade route through Egypt. But because of Napoleon's love for history, Napoleon had planned something that would change the world forever and connect us to the past like never before.

After Napoleon had conquered Egypt, his secret army of European scientists and scholars would begin to unlock the greatest secrets from ancient history and establish a study we call Egyptology today. After the British Empire had emerged victorious, most of the spoils of war would make their way to England, where the greatest treasures from ancient history can be viewed by anyone today.

I cannot begin to tell you how much I have come to respect all the sacrifices these people made, until you learn their untold stories and learn about how much blood, sweat and tears these people sacrificed so we can know the things we know today.

I hope to share with you all the knowledge I have acquired from their sacrifices, knowledge that has left me speechless, where I now know for certain that the only person who could have written the first five books in the Bible could have been an Egyptian prince who lived in Egypt during the second intermediate period, when Assyrian Hyksos were ruling the Northern Kingdom of Egypt and had enslave the true Egyptians and everyone loyal to them. Isaiah 52:4

EMIL MAURICE: Emil Maurice is not half-Jewish in the end. He was either one-eight Jewish or one-quarter-Jewish. However, Erhard Milch was half-Jewish through his father, and he commanded the entire German Luftwaffe logistics from 1933 to 1945. My point was, Hitler wasn't some Jew killing maniac, he valued people who had merit and honor, to the point where all of Germany trusted the son of a Jewish pharmacist with their entire German air force. Arno Sptiz was a half-Jew who was awarded three Iron Crosses.

ABRAHAM LINCOLN: I have come to learn that we must treat the American War of Independence and the American Civil War EXACTLY how we treat WW1 and WW2. In the American Civil War, the only states who were forced to free their slaves were the Southern States or "States in rebellion" - according to the Emancipation Proclamation, the Northern States and Generals were actually the last people to free their slaves. African Americans were much better off in the hands of Southerners, who were accustom to them, rather than the Northerners whom most had never seen an African man. Many of the Northerners had shares in many of the mismanaged plantations. I now consider the Southern States the good guys who truly wanted to abolish slavery, which the rich industrial North was taking advantage of. Instead of freeing the African Americans, they enslaved the entire nation.

ALEXANDER I: During the Napoleonic wars, it's important to understand that this was really a battle between Freemasonry/Protestants, and the Jesuits/Catholic Church. Napoleon really took the world by surprise and almost derailed both of them. You couldn't be a powerful European noble at this time unless you were loyal to one of the two factions, and the life of Mozart will teach you about his struggle between being a Catholic and being a Mason, which cost him his life in the end. Frederick the Great was a Freemason who even Hitler admired, so it's not so black and white, and we do not know what happens behind the closed doors of Kings and Lords. Emperor Alexander helped the Freemasons murder his father Emperor Paul I, who was loyal to the Catholic Church.

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