Psalm 84 "How delightful are your dwellings, O Almighty LORD, to me!" Tune: Ottawa. Sing Psalms

1 year ago

Psalm 84 "How delightful are your dwellings, O Almighty LORD, to me!"
Tune: Ottawa
Sing Psalms
Falkirk Free Church
image: based on The Holy Land, Syria, Idumea, Arabia, Egypt, and Nubia by David Roberts

PSALM 84 8 7 8 7 7 7

1 How delightful are your dwellings,
O Almighty LORD, to me!
2 For your courts my soul is yearning;
in your house I long to be.
Heart and flesh cry out aloud
for the true and living God.

3 Even sparrows find their dwelling,
and the swallow builds a nest
Near your altar, LORD Almighty,
where her offspring may have rest.
4 Blessed whose home is your abode,
they are ever praising God.

5 Blessed are those whose strength is in you,
those who have a pilgrim’s mind.
6 Pools from autumn rains refresh them;
springs in Baca’s vale they find.
7 Strength increasing, Zionward
they go on their way to God.

8 Hear my pray’r, LORD God Almighty,
and receive the plea I make.
Listen to me, God of Jacob;
hear me for your mercy’s sake.
9 Look upon our shield and bring
favour to your chosen king.

10 One day in your courts is better
than a thousand days elsewhere.
Let me stay in my God’s temple—
let me be a doorman there—
Rather than find happiness
in the tents of wickedness.

11 For the LORD gives grace and honour;
God will be a shield and sun.
He will not withhold his blessing
from the just and blameless one.
12 LORD Almighty, great and true,
blessed the one who trusts in you.

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