End Times Prophecy With Pastor Gary Ray

1 year ago

Talking about End Times Prophecy with Pastor Gary Ray.

My guest on this episode is Pastor Gary Ray.
Gary serves as director of the SET FREE INDEED (SetFreeIndeed.com) and I AM A WATCHMAN (IAmAWatchman.com) ministries. He is a lead content provider for the Rapture Kit (other contributors include Andy Woods, Jack Hibbs, Amir Tsarfati, Tom Hughes, and Brandon Holthouse).
The Rapture Kit resource is profiled on his SET FREE INDEED ministry page (proceeds support his work with inmates).
• Here is a link that profiles his RAPTURE KIT resource: https://setfreeindeed.com/rapture-kit-resource/
• Here is a direct link to purchase the Kits:  Rapture Kit - Etsy                    
   And More Resources:
• Here is a link to informative writings and teachings: Our Finest Hour – Set Free Indeed
• He has written 20 discipleship, study, and prophecy-themed books. Many are profiled here:  SetFreeIndeed - Etsy
• People can send questions and request free book excerpts by writing to SetFreeInquireis@gmail.com
The Rapture Kit is a library of information—27 Gigs of documents, audio teachings, sermons, books, and video teaching files, preloaded on a 32 Gig Flash Drive and nicely packaged in an attractive, foam-lined case. The resource is designed to be an evangelism resource for believers today, AND be a great blessing to those not taken in the coming Rapture. The kit includes more than a dozen books, 2 Bible translations, dozens of teaching videos and research documents, and more than 100 audio file teachings.  Materials explain what happened (the Rapture), note how to become a believer in Christ, will help people find peace and purpose by living for Christ, and will help individuals quickly mature in the faith so as to become the next generation of ministry leaders for Christ. Here is a one-minute promotional video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFBti1mS3LI&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fsetfreeindeed.com%2F&source_ve_path=OTY3MTQ&feature=emb_imp_woyt

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