Trailer for "Beneath Sheep's Clothing", the documentary

1 year ago

What exactly are Marxism and communism?
How did communist ideology take over every aspect of culture in the Soviet Union, including Christianity?
In our day, how has Marxism mutated to infect a new host – America and the West?
And how has this new form of Marxism overtaken America’s culture – its education, media and entertainment, the legal system, the churches, and even the family?

Most importantly, what can we do about it??

"Beneath Sheep's Clothing," the documentary, will answer these questions and more! It is based on the book "Beneath Sheep's Clothing - The Communist Takeover of Culture in the USSR & Parallels in Today's America" by author Julie Behling published in April 2022.

Julie was a missionary in Russia in the late 90's then returned to the U.S. and got a dual master's in Russian Language & Literature and Russian & East European Studies from Florida State University. She wrote her master's thesis on underground Christian movement in the Soviet Union, their tactics to survive, and the tactics of the Soviet state in stamping them out.

Several years after completing graduate school, Julie began observing that the very same same tactics that the Soviets used to try to destroy Christianity were all in place in America. The closer she looked, the worse the picture became.

At this time, we are seeking support to fund the completion of "Beneath Sheep's Clothing," the documentary, so that Julie can take what she learned about Marxist/communist anti-religious tactics to a wider audience. Only if we understand the plots of this enemy can we have any hope of foiling them.

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PURCHASE "Beneath Sheep's Clothing," the book here -

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