Aviation Fireside Chat

1 year ago

In this On Aviation™ Podcast, Daniel and Orlando had a Fireside chat about a wide variety of topics within aviation. Touched on disparate topics such as runway incursions, the FAA investing $100M to curb runaway incursions, the pilot-in-command being the ultimate authority for the safety of a flight, fractional aircraft ownership and the economy, the aviation industry, and much more.

Related Links:

Pilots Abort Landings At A Few Hundred Feet To Avoid Runway Disaster (SFO and Tenerife mentioned): https://jalopnik.com/pilots-abort-landings-at-a-few-hundred-feet-to-avoid-ru-1850474556

The FAA Investing $100M in a Bid to Curb Runway Incursions: https://www.flyingmag.com/faa-investing-100m-in-bid-to-curb-runway-incursions/

14 CFR § 91.3 Responsibility and authority of the pilot in command: https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-14/chapter-I/subchapter-F/part-91/subpart-A/section-91.3

Fractional Ownership: https://www.flyingmag.com/jet-it-tells-owners-to-find-new-home-for-aircraft/

Supersonic commercial airliners: https://www.cnn.com/travel/article/destinus-hypersonic-plane/index.html

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