Largest Covert Operation In The History Of The US.

1 year ago

For generations, We The People have been deceived. In the late 1800s, our nation was purchased by the global elite. At that time America went from being a Constitutional Republic to a Corporation. It was then that the people were like frogs placed in a pot of cool water for the purpose of being brought to a slow death, the death of America. That water has been slowly heated over time, and by 2016, that pot was boiling!
It's Time To Wake Up. But this requires work on your part. America will slide backward if the people don't understand the role of our Military in regards to the United States, The power of the President as Commander In Chief, our Constitution, the Bill Of Rights, our laws, how the justice system should work, and how our government should work.
We have been lulled into the expectation of easy street, and each and every one of us wants everything fast and simple while doing as little as possible. And this is one of the largest reasons why we are here.
But the largest reason out of all is the silencing of the Church with 501C3. This to me is Very Disturbing, and it's the church saying to God, you're not enough.
Revelation 3:16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
It's Time To Get Right Or Be Left...

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