Healing Through Sex

1 year ago

The lovely and energised Kari Star and I begin our conversation regarding the numerous ways in which SEX can be a mode of healing in our lives. Your may be surprised, delighted intrigued, amused…
From Boys to Men Alison Armstrong. Men the page to the knight to the Prince to the King

5 minutes sitting the scene- types of sexual healing, energy exchange
7.00 minutes sex as ‘mechanics’
9.38 minutes Sexual healing known only as a release…
10 minutes one human soul can remind another human soul of who and what they are
12 minutes moments of pure connection to the Godhead
13.30 A-Z of Sexual Healing….
14.30 minutes resonant frequency signature of one being matching with the RFS of another…
16 minutes healing dramatic events through a twin flame
17 minutes removing the trauma form the cell structure
17.50 minutes how we ‘obliterate’ past trauma sexually through the heart connection
20.30 minutes Consciousness level 550 of LOVE touching the world around it, removing negative charges from the system
21.45 minutes Healing: moving energy form one place to another
22 minutes Madame of a Berlin Brothel- types of ( low consciousness-level) healing offered
23 minutes what types of Sexual healing is possible?
24 minutes the power of appreciation as a healing modus
22 minutes shame as a very low-level healing mode
27.45 minutes sending love through your hand in touch
28 minutes focus on your heart to open doors to new places
29.50 minutes wha can sex heal?
30.30 minutes social conditioning….
32.20 minutes you can “love into infinity” with anyone
33.33 minutes the women can now instigate this healing
36 minutes The Young King as an allegory of human qualities
39 minutes from fairytales to reality
44 minutes role playing as a way of seeing beyond fixed perspectives
47 minutes healing through touch
50 minutes A New high frequency Earth version of LOVE-Prostitution women who care…
54.29 minutes will we have professional people who heal others through sex?
57 minutes if we have sex healing as love we can have centres for this
57.52 minutes we have been living in a fraction of our true power, how do we heal the women to want to be love-empowered?
59.30 minutes words used in loving sex
1.02 minutes helping women feel free and easy in their bodies
1.03 minutes the woman IS sex
1.05 minutes Anastasia’s advice (of the Ringing Cedars Series)
1.06 minutes what do we tell our young women? and our young men (look up the book by Alison Armstrong.”Understanding Men” From the page to the knight to the Prince to the King)
1.10 minutes the virtual crown of sovereign power
1.11 minutes we HAVE no rite of passage for human beings currently
1.12 minutes the movie language
1.13 minutes the merging of the hearts FIRST
1.16 minutes in the future, in one moment the men will awaken to love in the world…..
1.24 minutes As soon as the heart connection is made, Kari tells the true LOVE story
1.26 minutes submission redefined
1.27 minutes energy transference through sex
1.28 minutes healing the emotional baggage which we pick up through the sexual merging
1.31 minutes when we are aware this all makes sense , but how do we GET aware?
1.32 minutes all about understanding our feelings
1.33 minutes 1 + 1 = infinity
1.35 minutes We have been buffoon, folks! Feel our way to the truth, through our bodies.
1.37 minutes removing false beliefs - go look in the places which have been hidden from us



The Heavenly Tea: Conversations to prepare us for a free world in the luxurious form of a tea-party. Traditionally world-changing conversations would be held over a cup of tea…. we will be indulging in a moment of calm to chew over some of life’s mysterious conundrums- all in favour of increasing all of our personal expression.

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