4 Powerful Reasons Debunking Evolution

1 year ago

Who are we? Where did we come from? Where are we going? What is our purpose? Has science proven the Bible to be wrong? Was Noah flood real? Is a primate your descendant?

Options for how we arrived in this world are:
1. Direct creation by a Creator
2. Atheistic Evolution
3. Intelligent Design
4. Theistic Evolution
5. Alien Seeding
In this video you will see 4 Powerful arguments disproving the basis of "Secular" atheism. The teaching and doctrine that life formed on its own without an "Intelligent" author.
1. Cell Replication
2. Protein Synthesis
3. Evolution from the First (Proto) Cell
4. Fallacies of Human Evolution

Many of the worldviews taught in schools and universities are built on faulty science and logic, these 4 reasons for debunking evolution will demonstrate and equip you to refute the errors.

Many times Macro Evolution and Micro Evolution are interchanged when the subject of evolution is taught.

Macro Evolution is large scale introduction of "new information" into the organism, which was not there before. For example the design and construction of wing is not present in a lizard, but for it to evolve into a bird, where does that detailed information come from? that is an example of Macro Evolution. How did the lizard organism acquire the information to evolve into a bird?

Micro Evolution, a.k.a Natural Selection, is the process where the organism already has information present in its system. Changes occur through natural events in the environment. For example a hairless dog in hot environment versus a husky in the arctic. The environment causes the selection of information already present, these traits to allow it to survive.

The Distinction between Micro and Macro Evolution:
Micro Evolution is in Genesis 1:25, Variation according to kinds.
Macro Evolution is a religious belief system not based on evidence.
Evolution is indoctrinated into thinking using bait and switch, Micro-Evolution is used as to validate Macro-Evolution. Most people have no background to make the distinction so they fall for the false argument.

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