The Least Accurate Handgun on Planet Earth? | Trailblazer LifeCard .22LR Demonstration

1 year ago

I’m this video we demonstrate firing the LifeCard .22LR pistol at steel knockover targets on a homemade plate rack and at paper silhouette man targets.
Is LifeCard accurate?
Is LifeCard challenging to shoot?
Is LifeCard a practical concealed carry firearm?

Trailblazer Firearms LifeCard is a folding, single-shot .22 caliber pistol that’s no bigger than a stack of credit cards. At .5 inches thin and weighing less than 7 ounces it is so small, you can conceal it in an Altoids mint tin.

+ Discreet shape – sleek, no-snag design
+ Size of a credit card when folded
+ Full-size handle for easy use when unfolded
+ Completely ambidextrous
+ Storage in handle for 3 extra rounds
+ Built-in safety features
+ Questionable Accuracy
+ Last Resort Backup Gun
+ Made in USA

Products used in this video:
Coupon Code: MLRanch10 10% OFF at XSteel Targets
As an Affiliate of X-Steel I earn a small commission for sales associated with my link and coupon code
Otis Eatshield Ranger Pro:
Save 15% at Coupon Code: MLRANCH15
Paper Target Stands:
Paper Silhouette Targets:

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As an Amazon Associate I earn a small commission for purchases made using amzn links in my videos. Thanks for supporting the channel!
This video is intended for entertainment purposes only.
This video does not give legal advice.
This channel does not sell firearms or ammunition.
Firearms used in this video are on loan and used under supervision of that FFL
Do not attempt or recreate anything seen in videos published by this channel.
All firearms used in Mud Lake Ranch videos are used in controlled environment and in a safe manner at our personal range or professional shooting ranges; often on loan for test and evaluation and under the supervision of the receiving FFL.
Be safe, get training, have fun..

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