Three words: el hambre, el hombre, and el hombro. Why do you use masculine articles?

1 year ago

I made this video because these three words share a lot of their spelling vowels and consonants.
And since they are so close in their spelling you might hear one word and think it is a different one.
Remember that the "H" in Spanish is silent, more like the "H" sound from some people of New York, you know who they are-lol.

In Spanish all words have an emphasis/phonetic emphasis and you stress that syllable more than others. When the rules are broken then we put tildes ( ' ) to denote where the new emphasis is located.

So the word hambre, in Spanish is a feminine word, you must remember that nouns and adjectives in Spanish have a gender (not biological sex) so they are either una palabra (word) masculina o una palabra femenina; (noun=sustantivo masculino o femenino)

The word hambre is feminine but we must use the masculine article in front of it, and if it is going to be modified by adjectives then those must be in the feminine form.
The article will change once it is in its plural form.

For example "Cuando el hambre aprieta se come lo que sea" literarily meaning when "hunger strikes you would eat pretty much anything."

The other two nouns Hombre & Hombro are both masculine. Remember that in Spanish I would say that more than 95% of the time you will need an article before a noun, this is not very common in US/American English, but it is in English in England and that part of the world.

In my example I also use the word "agua" to illustrate the fact that water is a feminine noun and when singular you must use the masculine article and when describing it you must use the feminine form of the adjectives.

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Spanish with Profe

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